Tonight We're Gonna Party

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"Miko wants to go to some dance club in Minneapolis. He said he knows the owner and they'll give us a free spot in VIP."

"Cool. What time?" Andre loves to talk but right now I need him to give me all the information. "We're thinking about heading out at 9."

"Meet us a Paisley Park at 8 for shots." He laughs.

"I like the way you think. I'll let everyone know."

"Alright see you, tonight."

"See ya, G!" I hang up the phone quickly. I let out a deep breath.

"Why would you do that?" He chuckles against my skin.

"I'm just teasing, mama."

"Do you know who that was?"


"Andre." His smile becomes a smirk.

"He's going to kill me."

"He won't have to. I'm going to do it first." Getting up from the bed I walk to the kitchen and start making myself some tea. He thinks this is so funny but it's not. All his complaints about privacy and discretion but it's like he wants the whole world to know  what we're doing. He walks into the kitchen and stands across the counter from me. He waits for me to turn to him or to say something but I don't. I don't have anything to say to him right now.

"Genevieve, are you really that upset?"

"Yes! It's bad enough that I'm a virgin dating a man who fucks like rabbits. It's crazy enough that last night happened but does everyone need to know?" He chooses to ignore the first part of my comment and focus on the rest.

"Is this about Andre or is this about people knowing."

"It's about keeping this between us. Those moments are private and should only happen in private. At least until I'm married."

"Marriage changes it?"

"I'll be having sex then and it wont have to be a secret. People expect married people to have sex."

"You don't think people expect boyfriends and girlfriends to have sex?"

"I don't think people expect me to be having sex with my boyfriend."

"So this is about perception and your image?" He says walking around the counter to stand beside me. "You don't want people to know this side of you until you're married."

"I guess." I wouldn't have worded it that way but he's right. I'll be all over my husband whenever I want to be because I walked down the aisle and have the license to do so but until then I don't want my desires intimate desires on display. I look down into my mug and take in the aroma of the tea. The smells of cinnamon and clove with hints of cardamom and vanilla are soothing to my scared angry soul.

"I'm sorry, mama." He says softly. "I won't do it again but we are gonna have to cover up tonight."

Prince's POV

"Last night was something else, huh?" I smile looking over at her. She's staring into her mug, lost in thought. I take it out of her hands and her face following it as I put it down in the counter. When she's facing me again I give her hug and just hold her there. She wraps her arms around me and lets out a deep sigh. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"It's all just so new. I-I can't stop thinking about it."

"That'll happen but it eventually goes away."

"It does."

"One day, we'll think about last night and it'll just be a fond memory. It won't even matter." She pauses for a moment letting herself reflect.

Motivation of Memories: The Second Book of the Labors of Love SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang