I nod. "Yeah... I'm lying, no I haven't."

Marie pats my shoulder. "It's like a ten minute drive from here, not far. It's near the lake. We haven't been told about the party, so I guess we will wait until we're invited."

Taz shakes her head, zipping up her new pink pencil case. "No need, everyone is allowed to come. I'll send you the address, it starts at six. Saturday." She gives a warm smile, before turning her attention toward the front of the class where our teacher has walked in.

My phone buzzes in my pocket about halfway through the lecture. I sneak a look at it, a smile toying my lips easily when I read the name. I slide it across.

Lou <3: goooood morning !!! I cannot believe I slept in and didn't say goodbye to you :(

Me: Morning sleepy head, it's alright, you looked so peaceful I didn't want anyone to wake you.

Lou <3: well now I'm lonely. Everyone's left ! Zayn and Liam went to Lacrosse practice and I'm STUCK in an EMPTY DORM

Me: go for a walk.

Lou <3: I can think of a million things of doing that are better than going for a walk.

Me: oh yeah, like what?

Lou <3: you ;)

And okay, fuck. I can feel the butterflies flap in my tummy. My naval tightens, my dick twitching at the thought of the things we did the other night. I take a slow deep breath out.

Me: Thanks, now I've got a semi.


Lou <3: maybe I could do something to help sort your problem ;D

Me: LOUIS you're not helpingggg!!! God I hate you.

Me: I'm going to ignore you now so I can concentrate on my studies.

And not think about anything Louis could possibly do to me.

My phone pings.

Lou <3: [attachment: image.png]

Oh my God.

I stare at the picture in front of me. My heart thuds in my chest like a small hammer. I can feel the heat creep into my cheeks, majority of my blood rushing downwards. I bite on the pillow of my lip until it begins to hurt.

I begin typing back.

Me: cannot believe you just sent that

Lou <3: like what you see ? All for you babycakes.

Me: obviously I like what I see but I'm in LESSON YOU DOOFUS

Lou <3: doofus is such a strange word to say and look at. But I think that's what makes it the best. A bit like the word moist, people fucking hate it, which makes me like it that much more.

Me: you're making no sense right now.

Lou <3: when have I ever made sense, Curly ?

Lou <3: [attachment: Image.png]


Lou <3: haha.

My Gay Roommate (L.S)Where stories live. Discover now