☽ The Full Moon ☾

Start from the beginning

Scott looked behind Tara and saw Allison. He waved at her but it was too slow to be taken as so, so Coach had to embarrass him. "Got a question McCall?"

"What?" Scott asked putting his hand down and snapping back to the moment. Tara just put a hand on her face embarrassed for Scott.

"You raised your hand." Tara said for Scott from behind her hand.

"Oh.. no. I was just, uh... Nothing sorry." Scott stuttered making Tara look away and clear her throat loudly.

"You all know how this works." She said to everyone before letting Coach take over.

"If you don't make the cut, you're most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season. You make the cut.. you play." Coach continued doing his usually form of a pep talk, insulting.

"Your parents are proud. Your girlfriend loves ya." Tara said taking over playing off of Coach. "Everything else is uh... cream cheese."

After that ending Tara decide to let Coach finish. "Now, get out there and show us whatcha got!" Coach yelled getting slowly louder.

Everyone got into their positions. Well except for Stiles who just went to the bench already knowing how it would turn out. Tara stepped back to the sidelines but kept and eye on Scott. After the knew information came out she wanted to keep a watchful eye on him.

The whistle blew twice and people got to work. They started passing and doing a basic scrimmage. Scott just stood there not really knowing what to do. A few minutes later one of the random teammates threw to Scott. After he caught it he still just stood there. Finally after he processed it he started to run. He dodged one guy not expecting Jackson to come barreling towards him from the opposite direction. Scott got knocked down and Tara had to keep herself from freaking out too much. She had to force her hands to stay on the clipboard so she wouldn't pick her skin.

She looked over at the benches to see how Vivian was dealing with it only to see her best friend absent. She could only linger on this for a second before the whistle blew again and tryouts was back on.

Scott was able to get the ball in a flash and started darting away leaving Jackson in the dust. Scott dodged everyone who came at him and even did a flip over one of them. He then made a perfect goal between the goalies legs. The crowd started cheering and clapping but Tara was just standing in shock. He shouldn't have been able to make that goal. She was startled out of her thoughts by Coach calling Scott over. Tara naturally followed too.

"What in god's name was that?!" Coach asked as if he was made. That confused Tara even more Coach should be ecstatic to get such a good player. "This is a lacrosse field. What, are you trying out for the gymnastics team?"

"No, coach." Scott said his happiness from a goal being diminished.

"What the hell was that?" Coach asked again.

"A goal?" Tara responded this time very confused.

"Yeah I know that. But guess what? You're startin' buddy." Coach said quickly switching up and smiling patting Scott on the shoulder before walking away.

Scott turned to Tara with a wide smile on his face which automatically made her smile back while butterflies invaded her stomach. Yet she was still thinking about the impossible goal and the wolf hair. She looked back at Stiles who was stone faced looking back at her. One thing was for sure.

They had to find Vivian.


Vivian walked into the locker rooms. She could hear heavy breathing with a slight growl behind it. She slowly walking away from the door and maneuvered until she got to where the sinks were. She found Sydney hunched over one. Her hands were gripping the sink tightly and leaving cracks. When Vivian fully entered the sink area Sydney looked up. Her mouth was open while she was panting and Vivian could see fangs. Sydney looked like she could have been crying and her eyes kept flickering between yellow and her regular brown, it turned blue for a few seconds once.

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