Chapter 22

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Namjoon sigh as he stares at Heeyeon who is practically waiting for him to speak up.

"I found nothing."

"Called it." Heeyeon said as she lightly slaps Hoseok by the arm.

If Yoongi decided to hand this information to them, it must be because his initial investigation with the blackmail sender turned to nothing.

"I also checked the utility logbooks. The CCTV cameras near the fire exit where Seokjin stole a kiss from Byulyi was under maintenance at that time."

"Dead end." Hoseok declared.


As soon as Yoongi entered the office, his brows furrowed at the strong female smell leaking. Out of the toilet went Sowon, who turned her phone off with Yoongi's presence, standing near his table menacingly staring at her.

"I'm sorry. I just don't have the time to go out for the toilet."

The long pause with Yoongi's stare petrified Sowon.

"I am genuinely concern about you not following simple instructions." Yoongi sarcastically said. "The student council's office is not your personal space. You can access the place but please be respectful... do your personal thing on the common toilet for the girls."

Sowon's grip on her phone tightened as she absorbs Yoongi's words. She tried her best to be patient with him despite the treatment she got right from the very beginning. He seemed to be colder to her than the other students, like the boy despises her on a molecular level.

"I'm really sorry. It's just that... I'm in a hurry."

Yoongi's sharp, feline-like stares darted from Sowon to his wristwatch, not faking his irritation. "You can't use that lame excuse. If you don't want to be in a hurry, try to be early."

She bows her head to hide the shame she felt with Yoongi's words. He has always treated her with contempt which she never understands.

Still not moving an inch from her stand, the door swung open and revealed Seokjin, who is obviously not in a good mood.

Sowon fixed her posture as she approaches Seokjin. "Oppa, I'm glad we'll patrol together today." with the slowly fading brightness on her face after seeing how his classmate, Moon Byulyi, stood outside the door, letting it shut on her face as she chose not to enter the office.

Then she looked at Seokjin, ignoring Yoongi who is obviously waiting for him to talk. She felt the uncomfortable aura around the two when Seokjin did not raise his head to look at Yoongi and slide down the envelope on his table.


Sowon is trying hard to get Seokjin's attention as they walk through the corridor of the Physical Education Hall, if she is to start a gossip about them being friendly with each other again, this is a great opportunity since he avoids patrol duties with her.

"But they are not together, right? They are just on patrol." a student said.

"Seriously? I like the transferee better. At least she doesn't act flirty around him."

Sowon scan the students standing behind them, insulted at the nonsense she heard. Unable to identify the gossipmongers, she is still pleased at the possibility of the rumor to spread at the campus.

"I just noticed; you have not said a word to President Min." Sowon said.

"Let's patrol separately from here. I don't want to build issues between us."

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