Chapter 4

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It has been more than a month since the school year started, and the usual letters and gifts would flood every day in Seokjin's locker. He shook his head as Hoseok laughs at the mess after he opened it and an avalanche of presents spread on the floor. Though he really doesn't mind the gifts, it has become a hassle when these became too much to handle.

"I think I should just put up a Kim Seokjin fan club and ask for membership fee. Easy money." Hoseok declared.

Picking up the scattered mess, Seokjin placed them back when a familiar name beside his locker caught his attention...

'Moon Byulyi? Who would label locker with their name on it?'

His brows furrowed as he realized it belonged to the transferee.

'I should have paid for the locker immediately when Joo Hyun graduated. I could've an extra space for these gifts.'

"I'll head to class first and tell the instructor you'll be late." and Hoseok sprinted away, as if Seokjin doesn't know better about this excuse to avoid helping him organize the gifts. He immediately took the books he needed for the next classes and left as soon as he was done.

"Kim Seokjin!"

He turns to see a familiar figure run to his direction...

'Oh? Moon Byulyi.' he wondered.

It's not that Seokjin doesn't assume she knew his name since they are classmates, and all these things that happened in between them, but the sound of her voice calling him is... comforting, to say the least. And the fact that they never had any other interaction after she disrupted his sleep at the rooftop that afternoon, makes him a little baffled.

"What is it?" he said.

Byulyi opened her bag as she breathes heavily from the run. After a final deep breath, she handed him a letter with a smile.

Seokjin was too stunned to speak at the utter display of boldness from her. Most of his fangirls were shy enough to leave anonymous letters or drop it at his locker or even table in class.

"I really thought hard if I should just drop it off your locker or give it to you personally."

'Though you really caught my attention since day one, and I helped you solve the geometric problem on the next, I never really thought of you as someone who would misinterpret my kindness.' he thought to himself as he looks at her in dismay.

"I think someone mistaken my locker to yours." she grabbed his wrist and placed the letter on his palms as she closed it too, like he was a child taught by a mother how to close and open his hand.

'SO. I. WAS... WRONG!?'

"This is not from you?" he confusingly asked as he looks at her pass by him.

"You mean, I did that? No. Not my love language really."

"What then?" he unconsciously asked.

Her brows raised as she eyes him suspiciously.

'How the hell will I explain myself without seemingly nosy?'

"Somebody asked." he lied yet she didn't even suspect a little.

"Ah. Tell that person I don't have time." She cheekily smiled while his eyes twitch at her words and action.

'How arrogant!'

Seokjin watches her walk to the nearest garbage bin. His gaze was glued at her as if his eyes were made to look at her every action then she tossed some envelopes and paper, obviously, letters.

"Hey! Aren't you rude?"

She darted her gaze back at him as she dropped the remaining paper from her hand to the trash bin.


'Unbelievable!' he muttered to himself. "Are those letters?"

"You really are familiar with those things, School Prince Kim." she smiled and fan her hand on his face. "Don't worry about it. I have read them all."

"And?" he inquired a little more.

"Yah. Why do you want to know?"

"What? I'm just asking."

"It's not as romantic as what is written on the letter for you. And by the way, I'm sorry. I opened it and assumed it was for me."

Seokjin hesitatingly nod at her. She seemed so arrogant with the number of letters she received and here he is, actually keeping those for memorabilia despite the numbers he receives every day.

'Should I throw them too?'

"I think you are judging me in your head." she said.

'What are you? A mind reader?'

"I am not being rude. I took pictures of those since I can't keep them. They'll just rot in my place." she explained. "Though they are someone's heartfelt intentions, I also think they are just transferee effects. They'll somehow wither."

"Transferee effect?"

"How can I explain that?" she pouts her lips as she taps the side of her chin. As if a lightbulb turned on in her head, she continued. "People tend to patronize product when it is new. I am new here. We are all fascinated by things that are new and give it much attention.  Promotion is always a factor, you know."

"What kind of hype are you for boys to go after you then?"

"The poor scholar who transferred to the school of the rich. Will that suffice as a propaganda?"

"What's so attractive with the word poor?"

"See? You noticed the word poor and not the scholar. Rich people usually romanticize helping the poor. Some students just feel amused about me since rich people hardly ever meet someone broke."

Seokjin closes his eyes in dismay.

'Talking to this girl is really stressful. It's either she is crying, or ready to fight, and now, she just blurts things like they are not offensive. How is her brain working so actively yet pessimistically? And her confidence is just a whole 'nother level of messed up. I don't know when I like her better... I mean. I don't like her...but I don't dislike her too. It's just that destiny has its peculiar way of putting us in an awkward situation like this.'

"Don't worry. The hype will eventually die down. "

Seokjin watches her walk further before she looks back once more.

'She's stealing so much of my time and wasting my neurons; I can't even think of something to say every time we meet.'

"Don't just stand there. Class starts in fifteen minutes." she shouted.


Seokjin stood by the open door of the classroom looking at his friends. Namjoon waved at him which he unintentionally brushed off as he walked to his seat.

Honestly, this school year is a little weird. He finds it hard to mingle with his group after they became close with the transferee, Moon Byulyi.

Though the student council activity is also one of the reasons, it's amusing how they forgot about his importance as part of the group. They have been together ever since primary school and now he is being replaced by a transferee.


'What else will this girl steal from me? Guess this might be the transferee effect.'

Status: AwkwardWhere stories live. Discover now