Chapter 19

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"Why are you here?" she warily asked.

"When you said you got the athletic scholarship, I volunteered to train as first aider by the paramedics here at school. I know what I'm doing."

The nurse came and smiled at them. "I thought you'll head back at the dormitory early today." she darted her gaze at Junhui, who was busily preparing the things he will use for her wounds.

"I watched the high school football team practice."

"With me." Jungkook added beaming a smile at the nurse, then at Byulyi. He is also a volunteer first aider.

The female nurse nods and let Junhui handle Byulyi's wound, seeing that the boy started to unpack the gauze pads and bandages as soon as she placed it on the bedside table.

Junhui sat on the chair beside her and took the kit to clean the small scratches and the wound the shin guard made on her skin.

"He sure is strong for breaking the shin guard by kicking." the nurse said as she observes and guide Junhui. "You're a fast learner. I'll leave the gauze bandaging to you." then she left the cubicle to attend to her paper works, dragging Jungkook to help her with the medicine inventory.

When the cubicle curtain was pulled shut, Junhui's eyes turned dark. He lift her leg as she put on the gauze to cover her wound.

"I'm worried." he said in whispers.

"About what?"

"Kim Seokjin!" as he finished securing the bandage on her leg. "Is he bothering you?"

It is partly Byulyi's fault that Seokjin is being watched by Junhui. What more could she share about her school life but some of the things that has happened around her? Well, except for the ones Junhui might respond harshly like how Jungkook caused the library duties, Seokjin pulling her undergarment and the kiss which led to the black mail she received.

Above all, Junhui will not allow any romantic relationship around his sister. It is no secret from him that his parents view Byulyi as an example, a bad one in particular, who he labeled as the rotten fruit of his father's infidelity, not far from the evil root of a mother she has. She needs to prove to their father that she is her own identity, and Junhui will be there to make sure of that.

"We are classmates. He's just acting stupid."

Junhui smirked at his sister's denial. Within the past few days that he observed them enter the middle school ground, he easily detected the comfortable mood between them. Even Seokjin's light taps on her shoulder and quick pats on her back seem to define a deeper connection between the two.

"If this football incident happened because of Kim Seokjin, I can't promise you anything."

"Jun!" she protested.

"Why? Is there something going on with you two? I have heard so much chaos around that guy. I'm just protecting you."

Byulyi stared at her brother, as she exhaled heavily. "Hey! Don't be ridiculous. Those things happened in middle school. Nothing has happened around him now. Okay?"

"The way you both act just screams possibility of those chaos coming back. And worst is, you are at the receiving end. Noona, tell me. Do you like Kim Seokjin?"

Byulyi was dumbfounded at the direct question from Junhui. The dryness on her throat made her wet her lips and swallow the invisible lump after Junhui's words made her reflect. She  knew Seokjin liked to throw jokes before and has stopped using it for years as it draw attention and form misinterpreted receptions about his intention.

"He's a warm person. He just likes everyone around him to smile."

"What? Have you fallen for that trick too?"

"No! It's just absurd! Why are you judging the person when you don't know him personally." she harshly reacted.

"And you know him personally so you are being defensive? You have not defended anyone before. Not even yourself. Noona, cut it off as early as now or we'll both be in trouble."
The door at the clinic slammed open as Seokjin enter. Byulyi and Junhui were both surprised at his presence which made the younger male act as a medical aid by packing antiseptics, medical gauze and tapes. Byulyi never mentioned to Junhui that the older male knew about their blood relation which explains the younger males quick, pretentious act.

"Why didn't you call me?" Seokjin sat on the chair where Junhui used to sit.

The way he touched her leg boiled the younger brother's blood. He didn't like how the older boy care for his sister specially that the rumors about the incident two years ago reached to him.

But who would be keen on telling Junhui all that information other than someone who knew his ties with Byulyi? That was his concern. If Seokjin continues to lurk around her, he will be forced to meddle with their affairs to protect his older sister.




Byulyi dock her head down as she hid her face, trying to relieve the blush on her cheeks.

"I'll take you home." Seokjin announced as Junhui stepped out of the cubicle.

"No!" she shouted looking at Seokjin. "I mean, I asked my friend to fetch me."

"Tell your friend you have me here."

Her other foot furtively kicked Seokjin to stop his mouth from saying anything incriminating about their relationship as Junhui's silhouette stopped, probably eavesdropping their conversation.

"He knows nothing about us!" Byulyi whispered sternly, pointing the back of his younger brother. She immediately sat straight when the silhouette of the young boy turns to their direction.

"He... is on... his way." she minced those words to inform Seokjin to act normal or to run for his life.

"He? Is it Junghoon?" Seokjin teased.

"No." she said firmly with her eyes glaring, sensing his playful tone.

"Does your friend have a car or allowed to go out this late?"

Byulyi darted her gaze to Junhui who has now shown himself, side eyeing her.

Seokjin knew that the boy is not allowed to go out of the school premise since he is under the boarding school program with his brother Taehyung.

Junhui continued on walking out of the pair's sight as he can no longer contain the annoyance he felt for Seokjin.

"Let's get dinner somewhere."

As soon as Seokjin's remarks finished, they were startled at the crunch they heard.

"Sorry." a male voice said, obviously Junhui. He dropped the tray he was holding and Byulyi knew it was not an accident but a warning.

"Or let's just eat at your house with takeaways. My treat." Seokjin continued teasing.

Then another smash was heard.

"Aaaaahhhhh! These raaaaats. How should I get rid of them?" Junhui exclaimed loudly.

Seokjin observe how Byulyi's eyes twitch at every word her brother said. From the looks of it, she is a concerned about his reactions.
Seokjin knew Moon Junhui from his brother Taehyung. The younger Kim said that Junhui is his roommate at the boarding school. He is very competitive and playful at the same time, kind of an enigma on the first meeting but went to be an all-out crazy boy who loves to read and bike. Based on his brother's description, he is not far from Byulyi except for the height. He also knew of his martial arts skills which made Seokjin grateful for his father's insistence with learning self-defense. If things go for the worst, at least he could defend himself from him.

"I just want to go home. I'm tired." Byulyi apathetically said as her thoughts trail off with the amount of stress she is receiving from both boys.

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