Chapter 11

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Byulyi peek at the floor above and below them to make sure nobody is at the fire exit, taking quiet steps as she listens for moving presence.

She stood at the second flight of the stair and glanced at Seokjin who was still not looking at her.

"You are from the student council so you might have seen my files."

"We can't access personal files, but I have seen yours." he said as he looked at her. "I can keep your secret. You can share them with me."

"Jungkook might have told you, I'm Moon Junhui's sister."

"But why don't you have the name of your father on your birth certificate like his."

"I may be older, but I am plan B. It's a long story. His father removed his own name on the documents, but I remained as a Moon." she sighed, grateful how Seokjin tried to not talk about the undergarment incident with his friends. "By the way, thank you."

She trusts that Seokjin will not tell on her, be it their secret or her own. The fact that they have been hanging out for months and he never said anything, even a hint to his friends about her personal problems means a lot to Byulyi.

"Just act normal." she blurted out.

"Act normal? What does that even mean?" Seokjin complained. "I don't really care about your daddy issues."

"Then why are you ignoring me?"

"Because... I still feel it snap on my hand every time I see you!" he complained.

"You mean, you are not talking to me because of ---" she was not able to finish her words since Seokjin talked again.

"I kept thinking about it." he said haughtily. "I don't know if I should buy you one or not. I even asked Hoseok's sister if it's fine to just get one for you."

Though part of Byulyi's reason for not talking to Seokjin is the snapping incident, she never really assumed it as his main concern.

With Jungkook blurting out about her having a brother and keeping it a secret, Byulyi assumed that Seokjin must have seen her school records and pieced the puzzle.

"Yah!" she yelled at him as she blushed at the thought of Seokjin shopping something inappropriate for a boy to buy. "I never asked you to buy one for me! Who in their right mind would buy an undergarment for their classmate?"

Byulyi almost forgot about the snapping incident because of her worries over the revelation of her identity, and yet it was her undergarment snapping on his hand that never left Seokjin's mind.

"How would I know that? I am not a girl, and I don't know what to do when you stopped talking to me! It would have been easy for me if you just asked me money for replacement."

Exhaustion ate Byulyi. She was trying to formulate the right words to discuss why it is inappropriate and ended up accepting the fact that Seokjin is a clueless, innocent lad.

"Forget it! I can't believe you flirt with girls yet knew nothing about them."

"There's a big difference between flirting and treating them well. I thought you know that since you are always with me."

"You can't count me as one of the girls you flirt with. I am your classmate, or just a friend."

A friend. That was what she always thought of him despite the push and pull she does with her feelings. Byulyi denies the sensation she feels every time Seokjin drags her to his patrol duties as a student council officer. Their constant trips to the canteen when she complains of hunger, and the treats she receives from him made not only her stomach full but also her heart.

Status: AwkwardWhere stories live. Discover now