Chapter 9

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Sitting in the office of the Student Council, Byulyi did not expect to face Yoongi for a good, silent, ten minutes. They were almost staring at each other only if Yoongi was not covering his face with the report Seokjin made about her deviant actions when Jungkook came to the high school campus. The boy seemed unapologetic at the time she spent waiting for her scheduled meeting with him, supposed to be thirty minutes ago.

"Do you want to eat ramen?" Yoongi asked as he stood and looked into the corner cabinet beside a water dispenser before she shook her head 'no'. "How about chocolates?" He offered again followed by polite decline. "Maybe you want coffee?"

For the third time he asked, she finally talked, "I don't drink coffee."

"What can I offer you?" He seemed to be uneasy specially when they were left alone. You see, Yoongi doesn't like being alone with a girl.

The silence stayed again for some time as Yoongi looked at Seokjin's report again.

"Do you even eat? You look like Stan." Yoongi suddenly mumbled as he picked the turtle chips he opened and gently threw it towards Byulyi.

"Stan!? You mean the human skeleton model in the science lab?" She asked in a provoked tone.

'Oh, boy. You did the wrong thing comparing me to a laboratory junk.'

"Yes?" his confused agreement made her brows crease in irritation. "N-no. Yo-you're pretty though." an obvious slip of his tongue. "I mean..."  he stayed silent. "Well every girls are pretty." he reasoned out then practically froze in his chair and continue to read the report.

With another minute of silence,  Yoongi has finally decided to ignore Byulyi's presence and read through the paper.

After sometime, he finally had a decision. "I'll remove this report, only after you do a week-long task in the library."

Her eyes lit up at his words. "Really? You'll do that for me?"

"I do this to everyone. Don't feel special." He hissed. "Don't use your greasiness with me. I heard a lot from Hoseok."

Byulyi almost cursed at him. She did not intend to sound happy about the favor, but she is glad that there is a way to remove the violation off her record.

'I don't have the intention to use my greasiness to you. It was you who told me I'm pretty with your "EVERY GIRLS ARE PRETTY" excuse. And you don't even bat an eye to almost everyone unless you see them do wrong.'


Seokjin opened the door after he calmly knock at the Student Council's Office. The moment he lifted his head towards the Student Council President's table, his eyes met Byulyi.

It is the first time they looked at each other, straight in the eye, after the snapping incident. They have not talked about it which makes him feel uncomfortable, but with her face lit up upon seeing him made his heart flutter.

"What do you need?" Yoongi interrupted.

"I just want to confirm if Moon Byulyi is still here. I mean, the teacher asked." He reiterated clearly.

"You still have classes?" Yoongi clarified.

"Don't worry. I just need to ask extra work book for her. I'll go."

Before he could leave,Yoongi suddenly asked, "Is your radio broken or your phone left at home? You don't need to come here to tell me that, right?"

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