Chapter 12

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'This self-centered guy! Still liking himself above everyone else.' Byulyi thought to herself as she took the books left at the desk in the library looking at Seokjin seated few meters away back facing her.

"I also want someone to like me, the way I like you." his voice echoes in her head.

'School Prince Kim, if you are asking me if you did the wrong thing? Yes, you did! How is kissing your classmate on the cheek after pulling her undergarment feels? Psycho!'

She froze in her place as she watches girls surround Seokjin.

'Is he demanding my attention like how he pester me every day?' she hissed almost throwing the book towards Seokjin. 'But... the kiss.' she shook her head trying to clear her thoughts.

'Was it an indirect confession?'

She ruffled her hair like crazy, looking like a demented person in the middle of the library which earned her cautious looks from the remaining students in the hall.

'Byul, Kim Seokjin likes himself so much that he said those words. And the kiss was to tease you. I think he can smell someone who likes him and teases them to go crazy over his charm. That ultimate flirt just wants to test your sanity, so stop thinking about it too much.'

Then he saw him look back to her. The moment their eyes met, he raises his hand and wave at her.

'Stop it! You are making me act all stupid.' then she rolls her eyes, ignoring his actions.

Byulyi is painting a bad image of Seokjin in her head to stop herself from admiring him more every time he tries to make her heart flutter. She cannot afford to waste her time with someone who will just play with her emotions.


"So you're telling me that you rejected Choi Junghoon?" Heeyeon violently reacted.

"It's crazy, right? I don't even deserve an inch of his attention."

"No. I don't mean it like that. What I am trying to say is, he is such a catch but if you like someone better then ditching him is fine."

"He's a hard act to follow."

"Really? Is that how perfect of a guy he is?"

"I think so. He is a gentleman with the brains. He is so kind, and respectful, and loyal, and honest. And he is good looking too."

"I know someone like that."


"Kim Seokjin. Plus he is not just good looking... he is extremely good looking."

"Right!" I unconsciously said which I believe is the reason for the playful smug on Heeyeon's face.

Byulyi was being honest when she told Heeyeon was right. Seokjin is in deed close to perfection but so is Junghoon. But comparing them should be the least of her concern as she is supposed to ignore all the romantic feelings she feels.

But thinking about it, Byulyi knew she has this special feelings for both. Junghoon, being the first person to see her more than just a friend, and Seokjin, who made her confuse after the fire exit kiss happened.

'Byulyi. This is not the right time, okay? Focus on your studies.' then she continued cleaning up.

The study hall is almost empty since lunch break is over and classes already resumed. Coincidentally, it is their class's vacant period, and they are allowed to loiter everywhere and do whatever lawful activities they want inside the campus which gives Byulyi more time to finish her library duties.

Status: AwkwardWhere stories live. Discover now