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Sup how are you doing?? Anyway-

Bads POV
I grabbed some things for the stream with sapnap skeppy and Wilbur. Callahan was begging me two stay "bad PLEASEEEE don't leave meeee!" He whined, I smiled and hugged him before bolting out the door before he could catch me.

A while later

I trotted up to the group caring a basket of muffins "hi guys!" I called out to the group, they waved and went back to chatting. "Alright are we set to start the stream??" Skeppy asked we all agreed, Wilbur flipped up his camera, introducing everyone "today we will be playing truth or dare!" He sat down and started asking questions, when it came to my turn sapnap looked me in the eye and said "do you have a girlfriend?" I was immediately flustered and embarrassed, "n-no!" I covered my face " well do you have a boyfriend?" I looked up and glared at him "yes" I DID NOT JUST SAY THAT OH GOD

Callahans POV
I was minding my own business when I saw bad sprinting towards me he crashed into me hugging me tight. Skeppy sapnap and Wilbur appeared skeppy charged at me with an axe "AY! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I dodged yelling at him "YOUR DATING BAD?! YOU BEST NOT HURT HIM IDIOT!" skeppy said while being pulled off by the two others. Bad shrugged at me " truth or dare." He hugged me, and I kissed his head. "Ok yah that's why skeppy was about to murder me."

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