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Requested by: MoonL1ghtRisee
This is a Dreamhalo vrs techahlo also this is jealous of you part two

Dreams POV
'Why bad!' I thought to myself, techno took bad from me and it wasn't fair. Thoughts swirled in my head of how I could win him back, after all I had known him the longest and he hurt bad! He called him a monster and bad forgave him?! I would have never done that. I was obviously a better choice! I had to come up with an idea to win him over. I know actually, I should spend so much time with him he will fall in love with me! Perfect.

          The next day
Dreams POV
I woke up extra early stretching my legs out and then proceeding to jump out of bed and rushing to the kitchen to try and prepare anything I could for my awesome plan I also ran to the garden grabbing some flowers to make a flower crown which took my a half and hour, of weaving the delicate steams.

Bads POV
I opened my eyes and went to turn over and hug my lover when all I felt was the fluffy blanket. I stared at the empty spot with confusion. Where was techno? I got up from the warm place and walked down the hall to the kitchen to make some breakfast for when techno gets back from wherever he went. To my surprise he was in the kitchen cooking something. I ran up to him hugging him from the side. "Hi techy!" I giggled, he chuckled and kissed the top of my head smiling. "What are you cooking?" In cocked my head trying to see. He moved his arm to reveal a  frying pan with fried potatoes and a plate of pancakes off to the side. I smiled, "thanks!" I kissed his cheek then felt little pricks on my leg. I looked down to see moon and rat waiting to be feed. I giggled and scooped moon up giving her some scratches on her head then bending down to give rat some also.

Technos POV
I brought out two plates of food out to me and bad who was occupied giving the pets food. I smiled and pulled some fried potatoes onto my plate. Bad finally got up and headed over grabbing some blueberry's to put on the pancakes he grabbed two and dug into them like a wolf on it's prey, I laughed loudly and bad looked at me in mid bite confused.

A little while later

Me and bad headed outside he was wearing a dream shirt and some black sweatpants and had moon on a leash while I had rat. How did he train moon?? I have no clue. He giggled as moon jumped up to try and catch a butterfly to no avail. Bad stopped and ran back to me "techy! Can we get ice cream?!" He sounded like a little kid, I laughed "sure darling!" I handed rat to bad and headed off to find ice cream.

Dreams POV
I finally finished with the setup of my plan and went to go look for bad. I eventually found him on a bridge looking down at the rushing water. I jogged over there and tapped him on the shoulder " hey bad!" I said, bad looked up " hey dream!" He giggled, I smiled my sideways grin and hugged him. " come bad I have a surprise!" I grabbed his hand, " I would but I can't muffin head! I have moon and rat and also I'm waiting for techno to get back!" He smiled showing me the two creatures. " please bad I spent all day trying to set it up please?" I begged. Bad contemplated the thought for a minute then sighed "alright fine but let me tie rat and moon to this post so they don't get hurt." He swiftly tied the two and scratched there heads proceeding
to walk with me.

Technos POV
I walked back to the spot on the bridge only to see rat and moon sitting there. A knot formed in my chest as I hurried forward. Bad was nowhere to be seen. I picked up the two and called for him looking all around I frantically called for him and to my despair, no response.

Bads POV
"Technos going to get worried!" I complained as dream drug me further "it's fine bad!" He told me for the 30th time. Soon we came across a waterfall i ogled at the sight running up and peering over the edge. " member when we first me bad? You were about 8 years old and we found each other in the woods?" I giggled " of course muffin head! It was one of my favorite days!"  I strode back and sat next to him giving him a big hug, I think he might have needed some reassurance that I was still his best friend.

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