Schlatthalo: I DONT NEED HELP

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Requested by someoneyouknow6

TW:angst, yelling

Schlatts POV 

My vision was blurry and I couldn't think straight anymore, quackity had suggested that he drive me home, and I reluctantly agreed. I stumbled out of the club and somehow managed to open his car door and get in. The car ride there was fuzzy and I couldn't remember any of it when I got out. Quackity knocked on the door and looked at me with concern I glared back stumbling a little. Bad opened the door "hey quackity!" He said, "hey bad, I um brought him home." He pointed at me and bad peered out, his smile quickly dropped when he saw my status "thanks quack I'll be right out can you give me a few minutes? And you Jschlatt, come inside." Shit I was in trouble, he usually called me Schlatt or latt. "Alright bad I'll wait." Quackity quickly hugged him and went to his car. I stumbled inside and bad closed the door behind me "JSHLATT! It is 11:00 at night and your drunk!" He yelled "you have to get control of your drinking!" "HEY, don't tell me what to do alright you are not my mom! And plus I'm and adult not a kid!" I shouted, "I know that I'm just worried about you! If you don't stop something bad will happen! I-m I'm just worried." He cried tears forming in his eyes "well I'm sorry your such a worry wart." I snorted, "you are not the person I thought I was dating, so you have to stop or I are you going to stop?" He crossed his arms and glared, 'who does he think he is? I mean I can do whatever I want I don't need him' I thought "no." I said looking him straight in the eyes, he gasped and tears fell from his eyes "fine" he said said crying, he grabbed his sweatshirt and phone and grabbed the door handle. "I-I really hope you find happiness, bye Schlatt." He opened the door and walked out. 'Good riddance!' I thought no more lectures about my drinking. I rubbed my eyes and went upstairs to go to bed.

Bads POV 

I closed the door and slid to the ground sobbing. Quackity noticed and rushed out if his car running twords me, "hey hey bad what's wrong?" He said "h-he picked d-drinking o-over me." I cried, quackity gasped and looked angry. "No one should treat my best friend like that." (NOT A SHIP) He said, I sniffled and stood up brushing my knees off "thanks quack, can I maybe stay at your house?" I winced, "of course!" "Thanks" I sniffled.

In the morning 

Schlatts POV

I groaned and rubbed my eyes, I went to hug bad because he was usually beside me but I didn't feel anything. I forced my eyes opened my head throbbed. Bad wasn't there? 'Huh weird.' I thought I propped myself on one elbow and rubbed by head. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, and stepped off. I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror, "wow I look wasted." I didn't even realize I said that out loud, I turned the faucet on and splashed my face with cold water. It was like a knife of sorrow and regret stabbed my heart, the memories of last night cane rushing back in to my head. For some reason I got angry, I stormed downstairs sadness quickly came like a brick wall slamming into me, I would not cry. I grabbed a glass and threw it at the wall and screamed, my legs fell out from underneath me and soon I was sitting on the floor with my hands over my head letting out hiccuping sobs 'why did I do that! I'm so stupid, I would never pick a substance for gods sake, over bad.' I thought "Oh god I promise I won't ever touch another drop of alcohol, just please give me bad back." I cried, obviously this is what I deserved, I closed my eyes and just cried. "Schlatt! Oh my goodness are you ok!?" I knew that voice! I slowly looked up, bad stood there a worried look on his face "bad!" I scrambled to my feet and slowly reached my hand out. My hands quivered as I touched his cheek, bad smiled and hugged me, I clutched him and broke, years of holding it back and finally the argument between me and bad just put me over the edge. "Hey hey it ok I'm back." Bad cooed standing on his tippy toes and running a hand through my messy brown hair. I let him go and cupped his face, I pulled his in to a passionate kiss, he kissed back throwing his arms around my neck. I parted and motioned to sit down. I grabbed his hands and looked him straight in the eyes "b-bad I promise I won't ever drink again, but I have one request. Please can you help me?" I asked, bad smiled "of course I will!" He Scooted closer and hugged me, I wrapped my arms around Him and let a few more tears fall, "thanks bad, and just know I love you more than anything."

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