Soothalo: red beanie

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Sorry but this is a little shorter that normal again sorry

Requested by: https: Khaya_Blue

Wilburs POV 

I was walking in the cold winters air at dusk to my nice warm house deep in the woods. I trudged through the snow my boots making crunching sounds as I walked through the snow. My head was exposed to the cold winters air, because I couldn't find my beanie. I was looking forward to going home and flopping on the bed right next to my demon boyfriend. Come to think of it I didn't see him this morning before I left. I came to a clearing in the woods where my-I mean our house is. A light shown through the windows illuminating the dark surroundings, that meant bad was home. I opened the door silently, striding through the house making sure not to make any noise, I snuck Into the kitchen and saw him washing the dishes wearing my BEANIE! The one I spent all morning looking for. 

Bads POV 

I hummed to myself as a washed the dishes, I might have took Wilburs hat but hey can you blame me it was cold! I turned the water on hot and started scrubbing when I felt to arms wrap around me, "HOLY MUFFINS!" I screamed and slapped the attacker. "Ouch!" A familiar voice yelped. "Wilbur!? Don't scare me like that you muffinhead!" I complained. "Excuse me? At least I'm not a thief!" He yelled "ok ok I stole your hat! But it was FREEZING!" I retaliate, he gasped "it's a BEANIE!" He said clearly offended. "It's a thing you put on your head! What's the difference between a hat and a beanie! I mean cm-WHOA" I yelped as I was scooped up into his arms "for you punishment for theft of beanie I require cuddles." He demanded, "oh my goodness" I sighed. He dropped me softly on the couch. And ran to sit next to me . I cuddled up to him as he turned the tv on to a channel he liked. I tried to stay awake, but I slowly drifted into sleep.

I promise I'm working on everyone's request! Sorry it's taking so long.

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