DreamXD x bad

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Requested by: MoonL1ghtRisee

TW: kissing, crying, awkwardness

Bads POV 

I was hanging out with George, Sapnap, and Quackity when they started teasing me. "Yah bad acts like a kid!" Sapnap laughed, "ooh good one! Don't even get me started on his 'language!' Thing!" George laughed, I giggled nervously, but inside I was crying. Then it was quackitys turn........ "haha yeah, he's a demon so I guess he's just different from us." Quackity chuckled , that did it I turned and ran into the woods. I thought I heard their voices calling after me but I  paid no attention to them.

After a while of running

I had reached the snow biome and by that time I was so cold and out of energy I just collapsed, the white snow slowly faded from my vision as I lost consciousness.....

Dream XD POV 

I grumbled as snow crunched under my feet, the snow area is not my favorite. The wind and snow seemed to clear longe enough for me to see a black something in the snow. 'Uhh I guess I could take a quick detour'  I decided, I was heading to George's house but I was curious! I walked closer to the thing but still couldn't make out what it was. Soon I stood over the creature, it was the demon that everybody teases, he had frozen tears stuck to his face. 'Poor thing' I thought, he looked tired and cold. I picked him up and wrapped my cape around his freezing form I was sorta confused about how he got here. I spread my wings and took off back to my house.

Bads POV

I blinked and squinted as I opened my eyes I was extremely warm and on someone's couch, I sat up and blinked rapidly just the  dreamXD walked in. I was always a little intimidated by him but right know he seemed harmless. "Hello demon, how are you? I'm good but I found you in the snow so something must have happened? Well anyway I'm not going to make you talk about it, but can you at least tell me your name?" He asked, "b-bad it's bad." I Stuttered, and that wa stage start if our first conversation we talked about pets and how I had moon and rat, we talked about what we are like, he swore once and I went off on him, that confused him but he never did it again. After that day we hung out a LOT of the time he quickly became my best friend and i actually started catching feelings for him, I never thought he feel the same way about me so I kept it hidden until one night......


'I'm going to tell him' I decided I was sitting next to him watching a sunset on a hill while he was playing with moon and rat, "moon your such a silly girl!" He giggled while moon attack ped the grass. I suddenly grabbed bad and looked him in the eyes "bad I love you, and I'm not sure if you feel the same way but I just want- " bad pulled me I t a kiss and I culled his face after a while we separated and I smiled resting my head on his forehead, this probably sounds really cheesy but I loved it.

OH MY GOD I have been away for soooo long what is it a year? But I don't know why! I'm so sorry guys.

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