Techhalo: flower field

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Requested by Ghostly_Ghoul16

Technos POV 

I took a deep breath in and inhaled a sweet flowery scent. I waited for my boyfriend of 9 months, BadBoyHalo. He was a tad late so I was worried. After a long time pondering my options I decided to try and find him. I wondered into town looking around for him, no one knew we were together so i had to pretend I was looking at the markets. I wasn't gunna lie they had some pretty velvets. Then I found him in the middle of town getting pestered by skeppy and Puffy. I moved closer but still out of sight and listened in on the conversation. "Skeppyyyyy stopppp please!!" Bad said as skeppy glared at him. "Noo not until you say you love meeee!" Skeppy prodded. "Just say it bad!" Puffy pleaded. Bad looked so uncomfortable and that's when he saw me he mouthed the word help.

Bads POV 

Techno looked furious as he marched over to me, puffy, and skeppy. "TECHNOBLADE!" Skeppy yelled as he walked over to us. "Ah if it isn't the diamond block himself!" Techno scoffed. He grabbed me by the hand and nodded to puffy. "HEY! Tech hands off he's mine!" Skeppy said. "Umm I'm sorry are you the one who asked to be his boyfriend?...... no because that was me." Techno replied. "WHAT!?" puffy screamed. I bolted out of town with techno right behind me. I ran until we came to a flower field.

Technos POV 

I chuckled, this was the place I was going to take him. Bad had a face that you would see if you looked at a child in a candy shop. "Oh my goodness techno! Look at all these flowers!" He squealed. "Yeah, this is where I was gunna take you." I sighed admiring the beauty of the place. Bad ran over to a patch of orchids picking one and placing behind his ear. "Techy! Come here!" He called. He sat in the middle of the field weaving all kinds of flowers together to make a crown. I jogged over to him and sat right next to him. He took my real crown off to put a crown made of zena's on my head.

Night time

Bads POV 

I clutched techno's hand as we walked home, today was amazing! He tried to make a flower crown for me but it wouldn't fit over my horns. We approached the castle and like the gentleman he was opened the door for me. "Cmon prince technoblade!" I giggled he smiled and walked in after me. It was late and I was exhausted, so I ran to our bedroom to change into comfy clothes I decided on wearing techno's shirt and a pair of fluffy pajama pants. Techno was amused by my outfit choice. "Hey at least it's comfortable!" I pout. He scoops me up and lays me down on the bed. He slips under the covers and pulls me close. I burry my face in his chest, it had been a fun long day.

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