Schlatthalo: night time and memories

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Haha take that COVID I'm uploading again!


Narrator POV 

Who would of thought that the tough half goat president would end up with the kindest person on the smp? Exactly no one but guess what her he was laying down on bads lap while getting a head massage because he had a head ache.

Schlatts POV 

'This feels nice' I thought, bad was running his hand through my hair and rubbing my head to try and make my headache go away. I always had headaches after work and Sometimes before I won bad over, i couldn't even go to sleep. Bads helped a lot when it came to my headaches. I sighed and lifted myself up. "Alright thanks bad, I'm gunna take a shower." I said "ok!" He said looking up and smiling I chuckled and walked towards the shower.

Bads POV

Schlatt went to take a shower so I decided to get ready for bed. I walked to our bedroom and decided on shorts and Schlatt's hoodie, which was VERY oversized on me. I lifted to big fluffy blanket on the bed and yelped, a spider was just chillin right there. He started to move and I yelped again and jumped on top of the dresser. listen I wasn't taking any chances! I swear I was up there for 10 minutes, when Schlatt opened the bathroom door, he had fluffy pajama bottoms and no shirt. He looked at me with confusion and amusement, "why are you on my dresser?" He asked "t-there was a s-spider!" I said flailing my arms twords the spider on the bed.

Schlatts POV 

"A spider really bad?" I said "yes! There dangerous and scary!" He yelped, I sighed and walked over to him, picked him up bridal style and put him down. I walked over to the 'sCaRY sPiDeR' and threw it out the window. "There! It's gone" I sighed, he ran over to me and hugged me "thank you!" He said, he looked Exhausted "alright I get it I'm the hero but this hero is tired so let's go to bed." I said with a yawn "mhm." He agreed bad let go of me and snuggled into the covers. He falls asleep so fast, I slipped under the blanket and the heat was wonderful after a long day, I felt bad cuddle up to me and I chuckled, I remember when the town found out about us, and how shocked they were....


"Mhmgph" I mumbled, I was in a meeting and my headache was FLARING, I don't know how many more of quackitys 'bright ideas' I could take! And seriously I've had more girls flirt with me in the last half an hour, that the entire time I was single. "So that's why we should have our own action figures!" Quackity said flailing his arms for effect "alright quackity thank you I will take that in to thought, and that concludes our meeting!" I said clapping my hands, "alright, hey Schlatt you comin to the club?"  Quackity asked, "mhm sure." I muttered, I would be suspicious if I said no. Tho bad would be confused and maybe worried why I came home late. I walked from the meeting room to the club. The moment I stepped in I was bombarded by girls, usually I would be all up in this, but I have bad now I don't need anyone else. I sat down and someone sat on ether side, "hey mr president! I wanna know if your free tonight, we could have some fun~" she whispered, "listen I'm taken sorry." I said pushing her away, "oh it's ok she won't know~" she whispered again, quackity smiled, "no I don't want to cheat, and it's a him." I said pushing her away again. "What!?" Quackity yelped, 'oh boy' I thought, I got up and grabbed his hand dragging him to another room. "Listen here quackity, I'm dating badboyhalo and don't want to screw it up. So please, stop sending girls my way or we will have some problems." I threatened, quackity shrunk back and nodded, "good" I said dragging him back out.

End of flashback

 "Ha good times" I whispered to myself, I kissed bad on the head goodnight as the warmth overcame me sending me into a peaceful sleep.

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