Dreamhalo vrs techhalo

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Just a heads up dream wins in this story

Requested be:sxnnamontoast


Dreams POV 

I was sitting on a chair watching over the town when I saw a certain person who I despised walk by, technobalde. I growled to myself, me and him have had this everlasting fight over one person badboyhalo.

Bads POV 

"NOT THE BUTTERFLY!" I screamed as skeppy was about to smush a butterfly, "why?" He asked his foot hovering over its presence, "because sgeppy! It a butterfly!" I complained scooping it up and letting it fly off. "Fine.." he muttered, its not like he really had a choice. I turned around and kept on a path that would eventually lead me into town, skeppy followed behind. All of a sudden skeppy took off, and mE and probably many others do not trust skeppy on his own in the woods, so I took off after him. Here I am barreling through the woods after skeppy then guess what happens? Yep I trip, so now I'm tumbling down a hill heading straight twords town, I hit someone and stop rolling, I look up to dream staring down at me quizzically.

Dreams POV 

Soooo bad just rolled into me, not sure why but I want to make sure he's ok. I looked down at his flushed face and blushed, Why did I feel this way about him I really shouldn't but I'd do. "You ok?" I asked, he smiled and popped up "yep!" He hugged me and I wasn't sure but I think I saw a blush it was hard to tell because of his pitch black skin.

Bads POV 

Skeppy stumbled out of the woods, "WOAH BAD! That was awesome!!" He cheered running up to me. Dream chucked, skeppy had stick sticking out of his hair and a leaf  plastered on his face. I sighed and picked the twigs out of his hair. Behind me I heard dream growl slightly and when I turned around I knew why, techno stood next to him. They have been enemies for a long time now I still don't know why, but they are. Skeppy was distracted with the leaf that didn't want to leave him alone, so I headed home.

The next day

I was jolted awake by a knock on the door, I rushed down stairs and let's just say I looked a mess my hair was crazy I had fluffy pajama pants on and an oversized sweatshirt I stole from dream. I flung the door open and dream and techno stood there, Dream had flowers and techno had some chocolates. I sighed and motioned for them to come in.

Dreams POV 

We sat around a table drinking tea, bad came back from the kitchen and sat down in the chair next to me, techno glared at me. "So mind telling me why you both came here at 7:30 in the morning?" He asked, "yup! We want you to end our battle by telling us which one of us you like!" Techno said leaning back in his chair. "Oh my goodness!" Bad squeaked,

After a few minutes of pressuring him he cracked "DREAM! I LIKE DREAM!" He cried, techno's face  hardened, then he said "welp I guess there are other girls!" By guys he waved and walked out of the door. I turned to bad and grabbed his hand, "y-you really like me?" I asked, "yes I-I do." I kissed him quickly before he could say anything more, he wrapped his arms around my neck and parted I looked down at his face "aww I love you." I said pressing my face close to his face "I love you to!" He said, oh man am I glad he choose me.

Omfg I am so sorry for the extremely late update I lost my device........

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