Quackhalo: your menacing you know?

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Requested by:dwebby_artist57

I promise I'm working on your chapters MoonL1ightRisee and sxnnamontoast just give me a little bit.


Bads POV 

I watched as a butterfly flew past my face it was mostly blue but little black bots danced across its back. It's wings fluttered fast as it swooped In the air. A gust of wind blue it off course but it quickly fixed itself.

Quackitys POV 

Bad seems so interested in the butterfly, I was sorta confused why he was so interested. I glanced at the butterfly it wasn't as interesting to me. We sat there for a few more minutes when bad stood up. "Cmon quacky we have to go grocery shopping!" He said grabbing my hand I stood up and ruffled his hair "alright." I sighed.

At the store

"Alright quack! I'll get the milk and bread And a couple more things you get the cheese and popcorn And a few more things!" He scribbled the items on a list and handed it to me "why popcorn?" I asked "well if you don't get it I guess we won't be having a movie night!" He said playfully, immediately I snatched the list and rushed to get the stuff.

Bads POV 

'The things he dose for cuddles.' I thought as I sifted through the cereal section. I saw something more wonderful than the stars in the sky......duck CEARAL! I quickly grabbed it I don't care what quackity says this is mine now I tap on the shoulder made me stop staring at the most wonderful thing in the world. She had her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face. "excuse me? Can you please hand me the duck whatever it is thing?" She snarled, "um ma'am there is more but this one is mine sorry!" I said in a fake happy voice, "fine. But at least take of your dumb fake horns and tail off!" She snapped "oh! Ma'am these aren't fake!" I giggled, her face grew cold and she grabbed my horn And pulled. I yelped and tried to stop but she was to strong she ripped half of my horn off. I sunk to my knees silently as blood poured out from the fresh break in my horn. She grew pale and realized it wasn't fake. "Y-your a d-demon." She whispered, "HELP ME PLEASE! IM BEING ATTACKED BY A DEMON!" she screamed

Quackitys POV 

I was picking out the perfect popcorn packet when I heard Someone scream "HELP ME PLEASE! IM BEING ATTACKED BY A DEMON!".........fuck....... I took off trying to find him, I skidded to a stop when I saw both of them. Bad was bleeding intensely and she was screaming, I rushed to bad and trying to calm him down "bad oh my god, ok please just calm down, I'm going to make sure your ok, ok?" I cooed rubbing his back, at this point I had tears in my eyes. Who would do this to bad? Whoever might not live to see the next day. A employee or the MaNAgEr, ran up to us. She took one look at the scene and grabbed the lady by her arm. "MA'AM YOU NEED TO COME WITH ME NOW." She yelled, I picked up bad bridal style and another employee came up to me "sir I am sooo sorry! You can get your groceries for free! Please if there is anything I can do tell me!" She said she gingerly touching bad on his knee. "Thanks, but your fine." I smiled. I carried bad out of the store and to The car. 

At home 

Bads POV 

Quackity finished wrapping my horn, he touched my cheek and sadly smiled. He kissed my forehead and went to get the popcorn "woah!" He said surprised, I giggled and walked over to him. He had the box of greatness in his hands, he had on the same surprised face as I did, "you like it?" I asked hugging his arm, and laying my head on his shoulder. "I love it!" He said his voice was up an octave. His phone wrang and I walked in the living room with quackity answering.

Quackitys POV

I looked at the number it was dreams I hurried into the other room and answered, "hey." I whispered "hey I got her wanna talk to her?" He asked "yeah I do." I soured at the thought, "who is this!" I lady's voice answered "it doesn't matter, but I want you to know, you ever touch bad again I will not be as nice as i was. You hear me?" I spat, "y-yeah  I s-sure do." Fear laced her voice I heard the phone being transferred back to dream. "Alright let her go." I sighed Dream pouted complaining that he didn't want to, but eventually did. "Alright thanks dream see ya later." I said bye and hung up phone. To my surprise bad stood at the doorway he had a shocked look on his face. "Bad! Darling! How are you?" I nervously chuckled, "you menacing you know?" He said, I laughed and hugged him "hey what about that movie hm? Wanna watch it?" I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. "Mhm!" He giggled standing on his tippy toes to kiss the top of the nose. I chuckled again and picked him up to go watch a move.

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