Techhalo: jealous of you

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Requested by: MoonL1ightRisee

The cat above is moon the black kitten

TW: fighting (verbally),Crying,kissing

Techno's POV 

I watched as bad giggled with the dream team. I mean I get that there really close friends but does he always have to hang out with them? I growled quietly, luckily I was far enough away from them so they couldn't hear me. Bad waved bye to them and walked over to me. "Alright techy ready to go!" He said grabbing my hand, I ripped it back and grumbled, rage and jealousy filled me. "What's wrong?" Bad asked "why do you constantly hang out with them!" I growled, bad scrunched up his eyebrows "I don't! Looks like someone's jealous!" Bad giggled, "am not!" I snapped, bad stoped giggling and looked at me "you are techno, it's ok I don't mind." He said, "I'm not bad! Do you listen!" I threw my hands up in anger, "techno your being mean can you just calm down?" He said carefully "calm down!? CALM DOWN!?" I yelled "I'm sorry I'm not as perfect as your 'perfect self'" I snarled "techno! Will you stop it! Your acting mean and rude." He raised his voice a little "I might be rude and mean but at least I'm  it a monster like you." I hissed, bad gasped and I realized what I had said "bad I did-." "No no no, this monster will leave you alone technblade." He said through clenched teeth and his hands curled into fists. He ran away fast. "BAD WAIT!" I called after him but it was no use. What did I do? I clenched my first and screamed falling to my knees. I let a few tears fall as I sat there helpless, I had called bad a monster.

Bads POV 

I ran as fast as I could tears steamed down my face fast. 'Why did he have to say monster? Anything but monster.' I thought as I picked up my pace.

Techno's POV 

I picked myself up and brushed my knees off, after about an hour of me kneeling there and silently crying. I started walking home, I decided I would sleep on it. I opened the door to the castle. It was big and empty, I sighed, it felt lonelier today. I drug myself to my bedroom and slammed the door, I was angry at myself more than anything. I threw my shirt across the room and groaned rubbing my eyes. Damn today was horrible, I walked over to the bed, I had no energy to actually get in bed so I flopped on top of it, curling up on top of the covers, I drifted into a fitful sleep.

*BEEP BEEP* my alarm went of and I forced my eyes opened. I sat up blinking fast and yawning, "mhmgrph" I groaned getting out of bed. The events of yesterday flooded back into my mind, a wave of guilt washed over me as I walked out the door. I decided a walk would be helpful right about now, I started on my usual walking trail and just jogged along, well turns out walking in an empty forest just gives you more time alone to think. I felt like crying agin, guilt weighed Heavy on me I needed to apologize, 'that's what I'll do!' I thought I walked into town to be greeted with the sight of bad crying in front Dream, George, sapnap, and skeppy. I stopped in my tracks and knew I was in trouble when Dream and skeppy glared at me George and sapnap seemed to notice that they were glaring at something and turned their heads twords me. If looks could kill I'd be dead 4 times over. Maybe today wasn't the day to apologize, plus I wanted to do it somewhere private.

The next day

After reading and hearing all the threats and seeing all the death glares all week I decided to open up to my family, I nocked on the door and heard the blonde haired child's voice (yes I know his name) "ILL GET IT!" "Tommy! Not so loud" I head philza scold, the door flew open and revealed tommy "BIG T WELCOME HOME!" He screamed, "like dadza said, shut up." I said "phill techno's being mean!" He cried, I smacked my forehead and walked in the house. "Hey philza." I said taking a seat next to him. "Techno! What brings youth to the house of chaos?" He chuckled, "umm I messed up big time." I mumbled putting my head in my hands, "ooooooooo what did you do?" Tommy mocked, "tommy.." philza warned, soon ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy, and philza were all sitting down at the table. "Alright, now tell us what did you do?" Philza asked softly, "well i got into a fight with bad, and I don't know I think what we were fighting over got me so mad that I just said it not really knowing what I said." I spoke forcing my tears back into their hiding spot. "Ok what did you say?" Phill asked, "w-well I told him he was a monster." I flinched as I said the last part, philza narrowed his eyes at me and everyone looked at me. "Technoblade, that is the worst thing you could call someone who is not exactly human! Take it from me, it hurts to be called that." Philza hissed, he calmed himself down tho and sighed "alright I think we need a way to fix this." "Yeah! Why don't you do a big romantic scene!" Tommy shouted "Tommy! Calm down" philza scolded for the second time. "I-I think you should just apologize." Ranboo said, "I like that idea." I smiled.

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