Bbh x dream angel AU

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Still here lol
Bads POV
I sat by myself watching the other angels talk behind my back. I was half demon after all, I hadn't changed much after I died. My wings grew bigger and more elegant and my halo had a bright glow to it know. I didn't do much, sometimes I watched the others streams but I mostly engaged myself with books. But none of that took away the pain of losing dream, that pain would forever be there. Dream didn't seem as effected by it as me, to be honest he never showed any signs of sadness or pain or grief like I did.

Dreams POV
I was sprawled  across my bed sobbing. I curled my fingers over the small black cat plush that bad got me. I missed him so damn much, I never showed it on my streams, no one knew we were together and they wouldn't know why I was a wreck physically and mentally.  I was severely depressed and dark lines under my eyes signified my exhaustion. I had to go into town so I stopped my pathetic wailing and stood up brushing off any bit of dirt of tears.

Narrator POV
Bad roamed the surprisingly empty heaven. When he saw a round of angels guards rounding up a couple of angels. One grabbed him from behind and shoved him into the group. "ALRIGHT as probably none of you know, the head of us all had chosen some of you to be sent back down to sort out an argument." The guard bellowed, " everyone on this group will be heading back!" He clapped his hands and a portal opened up behind him. " every one will be going to a small place in the middle of nowhere! Have fun!" He started shoving them through and then finally bad went through he saw the end as angels fell out.

Dreams POV
I walked into town to see a group of people crowded around a glowing purple circle, I ran up pushing some aside a white figure was shot out. In the air an angel appeared along with two others. Everyone stood back, they sighed and stood by the portal, the lead one bent down and yelled "hurry up genius! They are waiting! Soon another person flew out...... it was bad

Bads POV
I was flung out like a rag doll landing at the angels feet I dusted myself off and stood up I looked around to see familiar faces? Huh then I saw him dream. Tears were leaking from his eyes as he looked at me I smiled and opened my arms dream soon crashed into them large hiccuping sobs escaped his mouth as he snuggled into me. I lifted his face up and cleared the tears. He leaned forward and captured my lips in a passionate kiss. I pulled back and smiled looking into his bright green eyes.

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