Dreamhalo: manhunt

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I've seen a lot of this title so I thought I'd try it! Sorry for the late updates school is taking up most of my time these days.

Bads POV 

Cave,cave,cave,CAVE! That's all I could think about as I sprinted through the forest, i was currently being hunted by the speed runner. A branch smacked me in the face and left a stinging mark. A rock cave came into view and I took a sign of relief, I looked for any sign of Dream when I decided it was safe I bolted. I skidded to a stop and leaned against the wall thinking I was safe, untilllll I heard a twig crack, I frantically looked around trying to find a hiding spot. I spotted a large rock big enough for me to hide behind, it was uncomfortable but still better that being shot. Dreams face came into view as he whipped his head around seeing if anyone was here.

Dreams POV 

I looked around.. good no one was here. I dropped my sword and pulled out my secret weapon. A bow mixed with a triten and sword! No one knew about it, if they did they would go nuts trying to get it, that's why it's only for emergencies. I sat down writing down the coordinates of this cave. When I heard a whiz and saw a arrow coming right twords me......

Badboyhalo slayed Dream

"Huh!?" George yelped, sapnap looked just as confused. Me and bad spawned somewhere else.....

 Error error 

 I sighed, and congratulated bad who was having a small dace party. "I'm sorry Dream..... I ruined your chances of winning." Bad whimpered "nonononono! You won! That's good! Don't worry about me I've won a lot ok?" I said gripping bads shoulders to make him shut up. "Aww! Thanks you muffin head! I was a little worried you were going to be ma- mph!" I kissed him

Bad POV 

Dream kissed me..... HE KISSED ME! I was panicking but also very happy because my crush was kissing me! I kissed back not knowing really how to when..

 Error fixed

We Spawned right in the middle of sapnap and George. "THE HECK?!" Sapnap yelled, I pulled away as fast as I could and ran. That same thought from the beginning of this came back into my head..... cave,cave,cave,CAVE!

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