Georgehalo: bombing

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Requested by: ME

TW: almost death, angst, crying, yelling, blood

George's POV 

I was walking with bad when it happened, blood

I smiled at bad when I noticed something in the was Wilbur and Dream? It was odd but I shrugged it off until Wilbur pulled something out of a large bag, I froze my heart stopped and my blood turned cold, the next thing I knew me and sapnap were being pulled swiftly away, sap was in the same sort of trance when I looked over. Like a light switch I snapped out of it, I kicked and screamed, begging him to let me go, I had to get bad to safety, tears flowed  down my cheeks as I screamed "PLEASE LET ME GO! I HAVE TO GET HIM I HAVE TO!" sap snapped out of it to and he tried to wiggle out to " DREAMWASTAKEN LET ME GO NOW!" he yelped squirming , I knew he wanted to save bad too he was his father and I was step-father, me and bad were the to people he cared about the people who he'd risk his life for.

Dreams POV

WHAT WAS THEIR PROBLEM! I'm saving their butts when Wilbur said it wasn't the best idea and their struggling cmon, "STOP! IM SAVING YOUR BUTTS AND YOUR COMPLAINING, SAYING YOU NEED TO SAVE 'HIM' WHO IS HE?" I roared 

Sapnaps POV 

"DAD! PLEASE LET ME GO DREAM!" I cried, punching his arm. I see dad trying to do the same, soon we're all standing next to Wilbur.

Georges POV 

I watched in horror while Wilbur took out a bomb. "We will watch the world burn beneath our feet today." He chuckled, I looked down into manburg all the innocent people not knowing what was happening, and then I spotted him, Bad he just was waiting for me to get back giggling at quackity who had just made a joke. "BAD GET OUT OF THERE!" I screamed I knew it was useless but I had to try, Wilbur smiled then lit the bomb. A ticking sound filled the air, I looked at sap and he looked at me horror spread across our faces, then he threw it. The bomb sailed through the air landing in the middle of town. ........... it exploded...... people ran, people were throw, more bombs were tossed....people

Sapnaps POV 

Tears pricked my eyes, my dad....the one who saved me from the nether, the one who raised me even though he was still little, was now in the middle of a bomb field, Wilbur let out an villainess laugh. Everything went in slow motion.

Dreams POV 

I had finally gotten what I wanted, chaos, murder, a town destroyed...but still what the heck is wrong with George and sapnap?

George's POV 

The bombs subsided and survivors walked out they included, quackity who was limping and holding his eye, he was being supported by Karl (NOT A SHIP) he seemed un injured, Sam rushed around trying to find people alive, he was bleeding that's about it many more smp members made it but one of the people that I didn't see was.....bad

Dream released us and me and sapnap sprinted down the the hill twords the crowd of people and first responders, we were bombarded by doctors asking if we were ok. I went up to quackity and Karl "have you seen bad?!" I cried desperately "wait..bad wasn't with you?" Quackity said pulling his hand away from his eye, a large scrape, I winced but quackity went into protective mode "we need to find him now." He snarled, me, Karl, quackity, sapnap, and now Sam and skeppy were all searching through the rubble, then Sam screamed "I FOUND HIM!" Now me and everyone are rushing over to where Sam was to find bad who was extremely blood, and had several large wounds "BAD!" I screamed taking him from Sam's arms And clutching his motionless body. 

Sapnaps POV 

"DAD!" I screamed and slid to a stop right by dad (George) "is is he ok?" I stuttered tears fell fast dad (George) laid dad (Bad)down, and turned to me, he shook his head and opened his arms. I crashed into him both of us sobbing, "It's ok sap I'm here." He whispered, but I felt his warm tears fall on my head. Wilbur and Dream walked over to the crowd.

George's POV 

I was rocking sapnap as we were both sobbing when I felt a presence behind me. I let go of sap and stood up and turned around. Wilbur and Dream were standing there. I sniffeled And dream asked "why the hell do you care about him?!" "BECAUSE DREAM! HE WAS MY LOVER!" I screamed   Wilbur stood in shock, "and you." I Hissed pushing him, "YOU WANTED THE WORLD TO BURN? WELL YOU RUINED PEOPLES LIFES! YOU TOOK MY LOVER, AND SAPNAPS FATHER, MANY PEOPLE HAVE LOST SOMEONE TODAY! YOU INJURED PEOPLE!" I screamed as loud as I could and pointed to sapnap holding bad and quackity who was down with him crying and holding his bloody face.  "You took his father, it's Just like someone taking Philza from you." I choked out, suddenly I heard someone say "dad?!" 

Sapnaps POV 

Dad coughed and opened his eyes, Sam snatched him from us and propped him up clearing blood from his mouth dad was to busy yelling to notice but I crawled over to him. Sam was tending to his wounds but his eyes were open.

George's POV 

I turned around to see bad holding sapnap and quackiy who were sobbing while Sam tended to his wounds......he was ALIVE.... I rushed over to him and gripped his hands, he smiled weakly at me I gripped him sand sobbed "y-your o-ok..I'm so sorry bad." I sobbed he ran his hand through my hair, "it's not you fault gogy!" He smiled I chuckled tears still spilling out of my eyes as I kissed him. I pulled away still smiling. Quackity and sapnap were still curled up on his lap both asleep. I chuckled at them and he laid his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and laid my head on his head. I hated Dream now and Wilbur even more so but right now I was happy with my little family and My boyfriends best friend of course who was inconveniently snoring while sleeping on his lap.

Wilburs POV 

What......have.....I done?

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