Mini oneshots

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Sorry it took so long!

Georgehalo: sleepy

"George George GEORGE!" Bad yelled at George, "mhhph what?" George slurred "you have to get up! We have to go stream with fundy, tommy, and ranboo! He complained shaking the talker awake, "no I think I'll pass." He sighed nuzzling into a pillow. "NOOOOO! George! That would be mean you muffin head! We already told them we'd come!" He whined "no I don't want to! Now come cuddle!" George said as he opened his arms "you don't get ANY cuddles today if you don't go!" Bad huffed. George whipped his eyes opened, and rushed to get ready to go while bad erupted in giggles, he wanted those cuddles.

Dreamhalo: boops

"Boop" Dream said booping bad on the nose, bad snorted and glared at Dream "what was that for!?" He angrily said, "nothin, your just to cute!" Dream said booping his nose again "agh! No I'm not you muffin head! And stop!" He yelped rubbing his nose. Dream snorted and pushed his face real close so they were touching noses, he smirked at bads flushed face and rubbed his nose against bads. He pulled away wheezing at bad flustered face. "Oh my goodness..." he squeaked out

Techhalo: spooked

Bad ran through the hallways of the castle panting as he was trying to get away from tommy and tubbo. After all he couldn't lose every game of tag! He rounded the corner and almost collided with someone. He screamed and they screamed. He tumbled to the ground, "oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! Oh my goodness, oh my goodness." He ranted. He looked at the poor person he terrified, it was techno. "Techy?" he asked. "Bad? Don't ever speak of this moment!" He hissed, bad giggled and through his arms around him. Techno kissed his head as bad giggled  "you have a high pitched scream!" He let go of techno to see him glaring down at him. Bad giggled and techno chuckled. "Found them!" A familiar voice said, they took off hand in hand.

Karlhalo: muffins

"No" "yes" "no" "yes!" Karl and bad were disagreeing about eating the freshly baked muffins. "Karl no there for puffys birthday!" Bad complained smacking Karl's hand away from the muffins. "But i want one! And plus she won't know there gone!" He said glaring at the muffins "No and that's final!" Bad declared, Karl smirked knowing a way to get one. He pushed bad up against the counter. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?" He begged. Bad went weak at the knees and his face was a blushing mess. "F-fine m-muffin h-head.." he managed to say. Karl released him and snatched a muffin, after all he earned it.

Erethalo: surprise 

It was erets birthday and he had left to go visit the markets, obviously bad pretended he didn't know because he wanted to surprise him! Bad strung streamers over the throne, he pushed tables into the throne room, and got the home made yellow and teal cake he had made on the table. He had just finished getting the guests party hats on and everyone placed to surprise him, when he walked through the door. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" bad screamed along with everyone else, erets jaw dropped as he looked around, his eyes landed on bad and he had on a giant smile. He ran over to him and scooped him up. "Aww did you do this for me?" He asked, "mhm! Do you like it?" He questioned, "no...." he muttered, the whole crowd gasped and bad looked like he wanted to cry, "i love it"

Soothalo: snow

Bad giggled and stomped in the snow, Wilbur looked at him with much amusement. "Wilby! Come make a snow angel with me!" Bad laughed, Wilbur chuckled and laid down in the snow next to him. Bad moved his arms and legs really fast a determined expression on his face. "Hey bad, why don't we make a snowman?" Wilbur asked, bad popped up with a smile "sure!" He giggled 


Quackity was sick and when he was sick he was a clingy, tired, big baby. And poor bad had to deal with it. It was 12:00 and bad hadn't been able to get out of bed because Quackity had a hold on him "Quacky! I have to get your medicine and food!" He complained trying to wriggle out of his grip "no mi amor" he groaned hugging him tighter, but bad managed to escape "Mal regreso!" He complained, he also decided that English was to much work, bad sighed and grabbed medicine from the bedside table "take this!" He sighed "bein tu ganas." He muttered and took it. Bad smiled and got back in bed with him. "Te amo mucho mi amor." He happily said covering them with The dark blue down blanket.

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