Dreamhalo: escape

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Oh my god I'm sorry for all the angst but at the end it's fluffy!

TW: blood, wrist cutting, dead bodies, crying, kissing.

The drawing at the top is what I think dreams dad looks like (I drew it)

I sighed as I scrubbed blood of my face, another day of hurtful comments while streaming, I cut my wrists to take some of the pain away from my head and got some blood on my face. I put some bandages on my wrists, it stung a little but not to much *BOOM* I jolted out of my thoughts and whipped my head twords the door. I slowly walked twords the door grabbing the handle with shaking hand. I creaked it open and peered outside I saw.......nothing?? What was that sound then? I looked some more then when I was about to shut the door, I saw dream sprinting out of the woods. He put his hands on his knees and looked around desperately looked around. He saw me and the house, at first he looked frightened, but when I beckoned for him to come in he sprinted towards me as far as he could.

Dream panted as he sat on the counter chair, I handed him a water bottle. He took it gratefully And gulped it down. "Dream what happened?" I asked as I examined several wounds, "I *pant* was running from *pant* everyone *pant pant*" I looked at him with a confused expression. "Why?" I asked dreams hands started to shake and his eyes watered "I-I've done something very bad." He whimpered Putting his head in his hands. I could tell he felt bad for whatever it was he did. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. "Shhh it's ok, it's ok." I cooed, if he did something really bad I would still forgive him, after all everyone deserves a second chance.

Dreams POV 

After about 10 minutes of bad calming me down, I stopped crying. I sniffled and smiled, I could see a blush appearing on his face before he quickly turned away. The truth was, I've always been in love with bad, his soft caring self. But I was  able to control my reckless heart after awhile. "I-I suppose I owe you an explanation..." I said my voice shaking, "you don't have to if you don't want to!" He said quickly, "no no I will, you see it all started with a fight between me and the dream team....."


Narrator POV 

"Hey George?" Sapnap asked, "mhm?" George responded, "Dream has been a little annoying lately, always hanging out with bad now! He never wants to hang out with us anymore, don't you think?" He complained. George closed the book he was reading and looked directly at sap, "sap, he hung out with us yesterday, he's still Dream I just think the man has a crush." George said in amusement, little did they know a certain blonde haired boy was listening. Skeppy rushed over to them "have you seen bad?!" He yelped, "nope I don't think we have." George said more interested in the book he was reading, "he's probably with Dream." Sap snarked, "Sapnap stop it." George piped in, skeppy smiled "bads been acting weird lately, always with Dream and always blushing now a days! I think he has a crush!" Skeppy squealed, "see sap? The no-brains Dimond block even thinks so." George said annoyed that they kept interrupting his book."Hey! I have a brain!" Skeppy yelped "yeah sure but it doesn't work." George snorted, skeppy huffed and crossed his arms. "But guys! Are you at least a bit suspicious about them! I just don't trust Dream, bad might be ok but I don't know! Aren't you suspicious!" Sapnap growled, "nope" they said in unison. That hurt to Dream, his own friend didn't trust him and thought he was annoying, George was right he had a crush on bad. Dream stepped out from his hiding place and glared at sap nap while jogging twords the. "Oof your in big trouble man." George sighed while turning the page on his book, skeppy hid behind George's chair peaking his head out. "Really sapnap!? You really don't trust me and bad!? I hang out with bad for two days and this is what i get!? Well fine! I guess I'll just hang out with you!?" Dream snapped sap looked scared. "Happy now!?" Dream snarled. He had always tried to be upbeat and happy to make sure they didn't find out about his past. He stormed off into town to see his worse fear, his dad standing in the middle of the town sneering at anyone who passed by. "D-dad?" He managed to stutter out, his dads head slowly turned to face him. "Ah if it isn't the person I was looking for!" He bellowed out, he was tall and bulky, his face was always shaped out of anger or an menacing smile. "Hello everyone! Why don't you all come into the middle of this run down town eh?" He beckoned , a sickening smile on his face. Everyone crowded around him, "whats going on!" Sam said waking up to his dad, "well I wanted to tell you about a certain someone's past!" He smiled sinisterly. I froze "d-dad p-please!" I cried desperately, he laughed in my face, "how about no!" He chuckled he stood behind a projector screen and his phone loosely in his hand. "Now, you will see an important part of his history!" He cheered, he pulled his phone up he clicked on something and a picture popped up on the projector, it was Dream sitting on a blood stained throne with bloody bodies laying all around him. He froze as people covered their children's eyes, and gasped. It was silent for a couple minutes until a towns person screamed "SOMEONE AREST HIM! he'll do the same to this town!"  "Yes! Lock him up!" The town started to chant, "please, I can't go back, I didn't mean to do that." He whispered, when his friends and most of the towns people came after him he ran, and ran, and ran and ran. The boom of a gun sounded behind him and he ran faster.

End of flashback 

"S-So that's w-what h-happened, I suppose your just gunna turn me in now." He Chuckled sadly, bad grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes "Dream I would never do something like that, everyone deserves second chances, and you are the kindest, sweetest, funniest person I've ever met. And if anyone in this messed up world deserves a second chance it's you." Bad spoke softly, dreams watery eyes looked down at the demon, to him he was more like an angel. Bads kindness was breaking the cage he put on his heart and letting the fire lose, it felt like he wasn't in control he leaned and bad got the memo and leaned in to, their lips met in the middle, at first Dream was shocked then bad threw his hands around his neck and kissed back, Dream cupped his face and deepened the kiss, bad was the first to pull away, his face was beet red as he hid it under his sweatshirt sleeves, the sleeves slid down his arms showing his wrapped wrists. Bad quickly pulled his sleeves back up and shoved his arms down "bad......" Dream said reaching for his wrist, "y-yes D-Dream?" He stuttered, "why are there bandages around your arms?" He questioned pulling down his sleeves. Bad was to scared to answer so he just let Dream do what he wanted. Dream unwrapped the bandages to reveal cuts. "B-bad why?" He asked, "b-because some people can be really hurtful you know?" He sniffled, Dream went in for a hug and bad hugged back tighter, "now that I'm your boyfriend I won't let anything hurt you." Dream spoke, "b-boyfriend!?" Bad sniffled, blushing really hard. "Yep! I won the heart of the sweetest person on the smp!" Dream laughed, bad blushed "s-stop it you muffinhead!" Bad giggled "never" I chuckled, *knock knock* "I'll get it!" Bad said as he jumped off the chair. 

Bads POV 

I opened the door happily then my smile dropped , Schlatt and Sam stood there, Schlatt grabbed my arm and ripped me out. "Dream! Come out if you want your precious demon to get killed!" He said gruffly, dream rushed out and stood in front of them, pulling back twords him. "Now bad I have a deal for you!" Schlatt said, "you turn over Dream and I'll let you go, if you don't, well let's just say you'll be seeing your family down in hell." He chuckled, "bad let them take me and you run." Dream said pushing bad a little to urge him to move, "no I can't leave you were in this together." I said grabbing dreams hand tightly, Dream smiled and said "you'll have to catch us first!" And with that we took off into the woods.

Sorry for not updating, my whole family except me got COVID so I'm stuck in a room away from them.

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