chapter 46

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Vikram groaned, his head was hurting like hell. He tried to move his hands but he wasn't able to. He slowly opened his eyes and looked around. He was tied down on a chair. Ruhanika was infront of him.. she was wiggling on her chair. Her hands and legs were tied , and a tap was plaster on her mouth..
Vikram looked at his left , Avi was tied down and he was unconscious. Vikram remembered that a truck hit them from behind , after that it was all black out.


He tried to open his hands, but the knot was too tight... soon avi also come in consciousness, the moment he looked at Ruhanika he tried to movex towards her.

Sakuntala- how are you feeling son.. all three turned their head towards the door.

Vikram and Avi both glared at her.

Sakuntala- what stop looking me like that. Don't worry i wont harm you guyss. I am waiting for someone to come..

Avi wiggle in his chair,...

Sakuntala- Calm down Avi... what you all thought that i wouldn't know that you have killed my son and his family. I was fighting for both of you, to give you justice and what you did, you betrayed me. Ruhanika scoff hearing her nani. Sakuntala devi glared Ruhanika.

Vikram- your son and grandson was bloody rapist, they deserved what happened to them.

Nani- who the hell are you to decide their punishment haan thats why i hate you Randhawa, you think that its in your hand to punish whosoever you want.

Avi- what you want...

Sakuntala devi smirked.

Sakuntala- Aadhya and her baby. Avi growled hearing her.

Sakuntala- what... oohh come on what you thought that just like that veer i will murder you all no... i will make your life hell. I will snatch away the most precious thing of your life. And that is that stupid girl Aadhya.

Aadhya, zara and Diya mange to successfully come out from their mansion.

Zara- Now what, where are you planning to go.

Diya- i think we should go to your house Aadhya. I am sure from there only we'll find something about your Nani. Aadhya nodded her head.

Zara Sitted herself on driver's seat. Aadhya sat on back while diya beside Zara.

Zara- aadhya you are fine right.

Aadhya nodded her head.

Kabir slammed his hand on steering wheel.


Arjun- calm down Kabir.

Kabir-Calm down that bitch took Avi and Vikram bhai... and we have no idea where they are.

Arjun-Kabir remember what Vikram bhai told us that we need to search Avi's house, there only we'll find anything.

Kabir nodded his head.

Zara, Diya and Aadhya reached at her house. They entered in the house silently. But to their horror Kabir and Arjun was standing there in the hall. With their back towards them.

Zara- Kabir.

Kabir frowned hearing Zara's voice, and both turned around. Seeing Zara, Aadhya and Diya standing there a shriek escaped From Arjun's mouth.

Arjun- what are you doing here..

Aadhya- what are you doing here.

Both of them said at the same time.

Kabir- how the hell you came outside of the mansion.

Aadhya- Kabir listen to me, we are here to find Avi and Vicky.

Kabir- you're got to be kidding me. I am calling vivan chachu now. Aadhya snatch kabir's phone.

Kabir- Aadhya give me my phone..

Aadhya- No kabir please first listen to me.

Kabir- are you out of your god damn mind Aadhya, that bitch is hunting for you and you three came here all the way without informing anyone. Do you realise what sort of reckless move is this. Her men could be following you, they could have attack you. What were you thinking, for God sake Aadhya you are pregnant, did you not think about your baby once. And Zara ,diya di how could you both support her in this.

Diya- Kabir i am worried for Vikram.

Kabir groaned,

Aadhya-Kabir we have no idea where nani had taken Avi and vikram, please let us help you in finding them. I just cant sit and wait at home. I just can't please kabir please i want to see Avi, please..

Seeing Aadhya's desperation, Kabir understood that its impossible to stop her,

Kabir- fine but stay close to us.

Arjun- no way...are you mad Kabir, vikram and Avi will burn us alive and i seriously dont want to think what veer, vardhan and vivan sir will do to us.

Kabir- even if we send them back, they'll again do something reckless and stupid atleast right now they are infront of us. Kabir looked at Aadhya and said.

Kabir- you are not only risking your life Aadhu but yours baby too. Aadhya face fall hearing what kabir said. She knows she is risking her baby but Avi needed her. She put a hand on her stomach and request her baby to be strong.

Diya- Lets go we dont have time. Soon all 5 start searching Aadhya's house.

Veer- WHAT... 

vardhan- bhai what's wrong.

Veer- Zara, Aadhya and Diya are not in house, they fooled our guards.

Vivan- Shit.. 

Vardhan- bhai calm down we cant give in to our anger, we need to think where Sakuntala devi could take Avi, Vikram and Ruhanika.

Veer- Vivan call Maa and asked her if knows anything about that women, where she lived, where she come from anything..

Vivan nodded his head.

Zara- i found something.

Everyone gathered around zara..

Kabir- what

Zara- behrempur, this is the place where she has marked a circle.
Zara showed them a map which she got from nani's  room.

Arjun- berehmpur, that's half n hour drive from here. But what is there in berehmpur.

Kabir- we dont that , Arjun asked our team to reach there also informed dad about it. Arjun eyed towards Aadhya.

Aadhya narrowed her eyes on Arjun and said.

Aadhya- not about us about the place.

Arjun- I sure Aadhya my ghost will haunt you forever. Saying this Arjun called his team and texted vivan.

Kabir- lets go.

Men- hukum so far we didnt saw Aadhya madam coming out from mansion.

Sakuntala-- Aadhya what are you doing, why are you still hiding.

Men- Hukum we dont have much time.

Sakuntala- i know that, but we will wait for some more time.

Aadhya- I am coming Avi, coming for you please be safe..

Diya-Vikram just hold on , I am coming to get you.. be safe baby..

Zara and kabir looked at each other,kabir moved his hand and zara hold it.

Arjun was praying continuously,  more than sakuntala he was scared from wrath of Vikram and Avi.

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