chapter 39

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Avi was staying in Madhavgarh since the temple incident, and now after Aadhya's pregnancy he thought of increasing his stay here. He dont want Aadhya to be there alone in udaipur. Diya is recovering, everything is falling in the place, Rana and Swara both are in Randhawa's custody, what they are doing with, he isn't much bother about it. Now his only concern is Aadhya and her walking abilities, not only him, each and everyone is worried about the same. They can't just leave her alone on her own.

Avi was working with Vikram on their companies merger project while Arjun and Kabir were playing video games.. Avi and Vikram have become a good friends now that's why they have decided to start a project together.

Arjun- Vicky how is Diya now.

Vicky-She is fine why.

Arjun- Nothing i just wanted to ask, when are we going on trip then..

Vicky- we cant..

Kabir and Arjun both paused their game and looked at Vikram with wide eyes.

Kabir- Take it back vicky,

Vicky simply roll his eyes, when will they both grow up.

Vicky- you both are forgetting that Aadhya is pregnant we cant take her on trip...

Aadhya- Why not.

She was standing on their door, her hands on her waist, a adorable frown occur on her face.

Avi- Aadhya dont move, i am coming there.

Kabir and Arjun snickered seeing Avi's horrified face. Aadhya simply roll her eyes and moved towards them..

Aadhya- You all are making me some sort of walking disssaaa...

Aadhya again tripped on her foot. Everyone shouted her name and rushed to hold her but she manage to grab the nearby table and studied herself. She smile on her achievement but when she looked up, she saw four scared faces.

Kabir- i rest my case, trip is cancel.

Arjun nodded his head, keeping his hand on his chest to calm his heartbeat. Vikram composed himself from the shock with Aadhya just gave them. Avi was still trying to recover but he hurriedly move toward Aadhya and tightly hold her hand. In the process his wallet drop on the floor. Vikram knelt down to pick that up, but his hand froze seeing a picture in Avi's wallet.

Avi- Aadhya for God sake could you just stop walking for  these 9 months. Aadhya roll her eyes.

Aadhya- you know its not possible.

Avi- stop giving me attacks will you. I dont know what i am gonna do with you.

Aadhya- Dont worry Avi, nothing will happen to me.

Avi- seriously..

Aadhya- yeah seriously after all you are there to hold me.

Avi was dumbfound hearing her cheesy reply, he just shook his head whereas Arjun and kabir gagged seeing their cliche romance.

Avi turn around and saw Vikram holding his wallet, vikram's eyes were fixed on the photo.

Vikram- who's she, he asked in whisper, his chest tighten, a vile rise in his throat.

Avi- She is my mother.

Vikram eyes snapped at Avi looking him with disbelieving look. Avi had a smile on his face seeing his mother's photo. Vikram felt that someone had punched hard in his guts.

Vikram- your mother.

Avi nodded his head and took his from wallet from Vikram's hand. Kabir and Arjun were teasing Aadhya, whereas Avi sat beside her with his laptop. Vikram stood still there. His mind blank, heart racing and breathing quicken.

Vikram- i..i.. I'll just come back. Saying this he dashed out of his office. He ran towards his car, he starts the engine and drive away. He didn't knew where he was going he was just driving on lone road with full speed. His grip on steering wheel tighten.

Vikram- how can that women be Avi's mother. No no no no its not possible, its fucking cant be possible. Vikram shouted in his car. The flashback of his past starts appearing infront of his eyes. The face of his father, the moment they spend together, his father carrying him on his back, Vikram running to catch him, their laughter echoed in his ears, and then her .. the face of that women.. Vikram applied the brakes,  the car stopped making a screeching noise..
Vikram was breathing heavily, his eyes were blood shot red.

Vikram- Aviraj is her son, suddenly vikram eyes widened, that means he is a Rathore.
He felt all breath knock out of him, when he realised the reality of Aviraj.
He lied to us but why... godd Aadhya.
Before he could think anything else, his phone vibrated it was from zara.. he picked up the..

Zara- bhai...

Zara was crying on the phone..

Vikram-zara what's wrong.

Zara- bhai... she leaked that video bhai.. come fast please.

Everyone was standing in hall, Ruhanika was shocked, who released that video. Kabir was standing there his head hung low.

Pakhi- kabirr.

Pakhi spoke in a broken voice..

The video of him and Ruhanika got viral. People are bashing him for  cheating his wife. The deal on which he was working got off, because investors dont want to work with a guy like him. His character is openly being assassinate on every news channel, some are calling him manwhore, some a cheater, some a brat and some a bad omen on Randhawa's name. The damaged is done. Although they are able to take down the video, but it has already destroyed Kabir's reputation brutally.

Veer- Kabir its better if you go out of this country for some time. The media, our rivals will leave no stone unturn in humiliating you. About Ruhanika she will stay with us in Madhavgarh.

Zara was a crying mess, everything was going fine but then why did she this to them. Arjun was shaking with anger.

Arjun- I thought you have changed Ruhanika but no, you are still that vile manipulative bitch. Today i will tell everyone your truth.

Vivan- we need to find out who leaked that video bhai..

Arjun- I know..

Everyone looked at Arjun, his body was trembling with anger, Ruhanika shook her head telling him to stop. She wanted to shout at him that she didn't do anything, she didn't leaked that video. But before she could say anything.

Arjun- Ruhanika..

Its all about LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora