chapter 04

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Zara and Pakhi were sitting in her room. Pakhi was massaging Zara's hair.

Pakhi- what have you done with your hair Zara, see how rough they have become.

Zara touched her hair, their were normal like always, she then looked at pakhu, who was looking tensed.. she turned around and kept her hands on her lap..

Zara- Whats wrong Pakhu di..

Pakhi caresses her face, this small girl reminds her of herself.

Pakhi- why you want to go zara, you can complete your studies from here only..

Zara hold Pakhi hands in hers.

Zara- di, you know that's not possible.

Pakhi- you are leaving because of Kabir right..

Zara lower her eyes. Everyone knows that she loves Kabir except him. Her eyes welled up. She looked at Pakhi tears streaming down her face. She slightly nodded her head. She sniffled.

Zara- he is happy di, he is happy with Ruhanika. It hurts seeing him with someone else.

Pakhi caresses her head. For the first time in her life, she failed to understand her own son. How can he become so blind. Why cant he see that this girl who loves him madly. From the time zara met Kabir, zara always had a soft corner for him. Zara used to come at Randhawa mansion, soon she become a part of this family. This sweet, beautiful girl is just like diya. Kabir and Zara always remained together, whenever Vardhan scold Kabir, he always went to Zara and cried on her shoulder. Zara took care of his everything, his meals, his medicines, so many times she had done his homework. It was impossible to separate these two. She remembers how zara cried bitterly when kabir was leaving for udaipur for his studies. Seeing her tears Kabir actually told them that he didn't want to go. It was when zara smiled he actually left this town. But within a year everything changed, kabir changed, one day he bought Ruhanika with him saying she is his girlfriend. To say Pakhi was shock would be an understatement. Zara was heartbroken. But she didn't showed it on her face, she smiled seeing him happy. Her heart was shattered but she never showed kabir the pieces of her broken heart. She always behave normally in front of him. She never told him how much she loves him.

Pakhi- Kabir is very unlucky zara, he choose beauty over simplicity, my son choose lust over love. Pakhi shook her head.
Pakhi cupped her face and made her looked at her.

Pakhi- Zara, always remember this,, just because my son didn't value your love doesn't means its not valuable. Zara you have every right to move on in your life. Dont close the door of your heart for love baby, you deserve it. I'll pray to god, he bless you with love.

Zara hugged Pakhi.

Nandini and her best friend Anu was sitting in her room. They both met after so many years. Anu was there in udaipur, that's when Nandini told her to come and visit Madhavgarh.

Anu- your grand daughters are so beautiful Nandu..

Nandini was showing her family photograph.

Nandini- i know they are blessed with beauty and kindness.

Anu- what have you thought about thier marriages.

Nandini- we are waiting for Diya to complete her studies and about Aadhya she is still very young for marriage.

Anu- hmm, but dont you think you should start searching a suitable boy for Aadhya. I mean yes she is young but you know how these Royal families are, they believe in early marriages, if you wont start finding now, there are chances you might loose some very prospective grooms.

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