chapter 38

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Everyone one was waiting outside the room, doctor was checking Aadhya. Avi was scared, he had already guessed what happened to Aadhya. He wanted to bang his head somewhere. How can he be so careless. Soon doctor came outside.

Doctor- Congratulations Mr.Singh your wife is pregnant.

Silence, everyone just stood still, doctor looked quite shock on seeing the reaction of this family.

Nandini- what..

Doctor simply nodded her head,

Siya- oh my god oh my god.. my Aadhu is going to have a baby.. it was siya who first reacted to the news.

Doctor-I guess I'll take a leave.

Whole family was happy hearing this news, everyone congratulate Avi, who was just standing still.

All girls dashed inside to meet Aadhya, whereas Avi was standing outside like a statue.

Aadhya was sitting on bed with a shock expression. She saw her mother, chachi coming towards her, as soon as her mother sat beside her, Aadhya hugged Aarohi

Aadhya- Maa i am scared. That's the first thing which Aadhya said first after hearing about her pregnancy.

Aarohi Cupped Aadhya's face and said.

Aarohi- Its normal to get scared Aadhya, you know when i first heard the news of my pregnancy, i fainted again. Pakhi and siya chuckle remembering that incident.

Aadhya-Maa i am not ready..

Aarohi smiled and said- Aadhya no women is ever ready to become a mother. Every women faces this thought that whether she is ready for a baby or not. But trust me Aadhya, the moment you'll hold your baby all these thoughts will flow away from your mind, the moment your baby will born you will also born as a mother. Aadhu motherhood is a beautiful journey, embrace its each and every moment. Dont let these insecurities cloud your mind. We all are here for you, Avi is there to hold you, support you. Just imagine Aadhya soon you'll be holding Avi's and your Baby. The creation of love. Your love.

Aadhya was looking at her mother with smile. The shock, the insecurities, the nervousness which she felt when she heard about her pregnancy was now replaced with joy, and happiness. She put a hand on her stomach, feeling it, her baby. Avi's baby. Her eyes welled up
Diya ,zara and Ruhanika hugged Aadhya,  they were so happy for her and Avi.
After meeting everyone,  Aadhya was waiting for one person, she was dying to see him.Avi entered in the room. His face was white as sheet, he felt cold sweat in his body. Aadhya understood that just like her Avi is extremely Nervous. They never planned this pregnancy infact Avi told him that they'll think of a baby after 2 or 3 years, but it looks like god had thought something else for them. Avi sat infront of Aadhya who was observing his every move.. Avi lick his lips, he felt his throat dry, no word came out of his mouth..
Aadhya just hugged him tightly, she caressed her hand on his head.

Aadhya-Avi... Calm down baby....

Avi closes his eyes and burried his face in her neck. Holding her close to him.

Avi-Aadhya i am sorry its all because of me, i should be more careful... fuck ..

Aadhya slapped him on his head.

Aadhya- dont you dare curse infront of our baby.

Avi gaped at Adhya, more than him he was scared for her. She is too young to become a mother, to take up a responsibility of a child, Avi somehow knew the hardship of growing up a baby. When Ruhanika was born it was him who was her father and mother both. He knew how difficult is to raise a child, and Aadhya is definitely not ready for that.

Aadhya cupped Avi's face and kissed his nose.

Aadhya- stop worrying about me Avi, yes this news came as a shock for me, but now when i felt it, i cant wait to hold our baby
She brings his hand on her stomach.
Feel it Avi, its our baby. Aadhya chuckle..

Avi- Aadhya..

Aadhya silenced him by putting her finger on his lips,..

Aadhya- Avi, just throw away all your doubts, insecurities and nervousness... Avi we will do it together, together we'll raise our child. This baby is the symbol of our love. Our little cute creation. Avi finally smiles seeing Aadhya gushing on her baby. He cupped Aadhya's face and kissed her forehead.

Soon Aadhya slept on him. Avi was caressing her hair. He never thought that his life will take such a drastic turn. He met Aadhya to take revenge, he made her fall for him but he himself fell in love with her, he married her and now he is going to become a father. Aadhya, his Aadhya is pregnant. This mere thought give him jitters. This girl has changed his life completely, she had fill his life with love, she had replaced the loneliness,  sadness and darkness. Avi put his hand on her stomach and kissed it.

Avi- I'll promise you baby, i will become the best father in the world. I wont let you suffer like i did. I will never leave your hand.
Avi then kissed Aadhya's cheeks.

Sakuntala devi received the news which she was waiting for. Her eyes were dead. Her grandson is found dead in a car accident and her son and his wife is missing. There is no trace of them, only one message which was send by his son..

Message- Save me.. Avi and Randhawa.

Previous week, they received a call which informed them that Anshuman and Swara's car met with an accident when they were going towards the temple. After that they found the dead body of Anshuman, his body was brutally damaged. It took them 2 days to identify the body. Now after that today she received a message from his Rana, he is gone missing.

Sakuntala- You proved to be just like your mother Avi. She was an ungrateful bitch just like you, she also fell in love and alsmost destroyed all our dreams. But your nana didn't let that happened. You took away my son from me, why ... whyyy.. you wanted this revenge, you wanted to avenge and i was helping you. I took you with me, when you and your sister were ophan, i gave you food, shelter everything. And what you did, you betrayed me, and for whom that bitch. She diverted you from your goal, she made you this weak Avi. I wont leave her. I wont leave you. You have to pay for your betrayal, you all have to pay for yours sins. You haven't seen my wrath Avi, you have no idea what i did with your mother and now what i will do with you and that bitch of yours.. Aadhya Aviraj Singh Rathore, destroying you means destroying Aviraj and Destroying your father.

Let's test your love first. Lets see what will happened when you'll know Aviraj's truth.

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