Okay or Not Okay ? PT 4

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Agent dayang .. what are we going to do now . Geeta look at dayang in anxious .

Let's just be honest with them . That's better . Dayang said .

Okay .. but agent rizwan ? agent djin ? Geeta ask .

It's okay .. I know how to handle both of them . Leave them to me . Dayang said as geeta only nods .


Djin . Dayang call him as she just come out from the infirmary and saw djin is leaning to the wall while crossing his hand .

Then Djin walk to her as he follow her inside .

Then geeta walk pass by both of them as she heading outside .

What happen ? Djin ask .

I'll start talking once we arrive at rizwan . Okay ? Dayang said as djin just nod twice .


Cinco .. you can go now .. dayang said as cinco excuse herself and walk outside from rizwan's ward .

What happen ? Is Ali okay ?? Rizwan jump off from the bed in hurry .

Calm down rizwan .. you're still injured . Djin said as he pull rizwan back to the bed .

So tell us .. what is it ? Djin ask while he sitting next to rizwan on the bed .

I- uh ... actually doesn't know how to explain this .. but let just say .. Ali will experience temporary memory loss . His brain shaking badly and he got hit at back of his head which cause lot of blood loss also the atlas got some scratches and few part is broken into pieces .. and went inside of his right eye . So now .. he still not awake yet . We expect that he will gain his conscious around 4 days or more . Dayang said then she let out a sigh after looking at the two inviso faces .

B-but he's okay right ?? Rizwan ask .

I'm not that sure since he's not awake yet . Dayang said while djin is covering his face with his palm in frustration.

I'm gonna kill that fat ass . Rizwan mumble .

It's okay both of you .. you can visit him now if you want too . Dayang said as she trying to cheer the inviso's .

Then the two inviso agree to do short visit to Ali's ward .. which in the critical room .


What ?! IM GONNA KILL BEAR FOR GOD SAKE ! Rudy and the other Male agents said .

While Zain is cooling his temper down before he could burn the whole new academy .

Bakar was ready to punch a person if someone tap on his shoulder as he can't hold the patient to kick abang bear ass .

Leon and karya pinch their nose bridge in frustration ..

Ganz literally make a smug face while crossing his hand .

Well uh .. is he awake ? Khai ask .

No .. and we expect he will after few days . Geeta said as the others goes ouh .


Don't worry .. we will try our best to heal him . Dayang said as she lay her hand on djin shoulder .

I know you will .. djin said then he turn to her and give her a small grin .

Ow .. rizwan hissed in pain while looking at Ali.

That look hurts .. rizwan said while caressing his own injury on his hand and on his ribs as he was comparing his injuries to Ali's.

Don't worry rizwan .. he will be awake soon . Djin said as pat the guy shoulder .

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