author's note

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Hello guys !

Once again this book is complete and available to be read again and again . I want to thank you all once again your support to the book and me . Re-writing and re-editing it was an amazing experience for me . It was like a second journey threw the pages of this book ... It reminded me a lot of things that I go through everyday and many other teenage LGBTQ+ kids . 

If you are reading this and you are part of the LGBTQ+ community never forget how strong you are and how valid you are . You matter like everybody else . Same thing goes to every kid , teenager , young adult , adult that has been dealing with mental health problems , social discrimination etc . Never , ever be ashamed of who you are . 

You are you , you are real , you are valid 

Thank you all once again .

Make sure you eat , drink your water , take a piss or a shit .

Endlessly love <33

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