chapter 37

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Maxine parked the car in the parking lot of the restaurant we were going to eat at .

It looks expensive

She opened my door for me , like she always does , and helped me out of the car . Placing her arm around my waist and leading me towards the entrance "Hello , how may I help you ?" the woman asked us .

"Reservation for Young" Maxine said and the woman nodded before saying "Follow me" and walking inside the restaurant . Inside it was beautiful . Red velvet carpet under our feet , expensive crystal lights above our heads . Tables full with rich people .

"Sweetheart, that's too expensive," I said from next to her "Relax angel . It's the least I can do for you" she said and kissed my temple .

Relax Laylah . You got this .

The woman from the front led us to a table next to the window , you could see the whole city from there . It was amazing .

Maxine pulled out my chair and I sat down , thanking her . Then she went and sat down on her chair . She was glowing from happiness . Soon a waiter came and gave us the menu "Hello , I'm Josh and I'll be your waiter for tonight . When you're ready to order, call me" he said and left .

I grabbed one of the menus and started looking for the cheapest plate . I heard Max groan so I lifted my gaze to her "Stop looking for the cheapest angel . Get anything you want" Max said and looked back at her menu

How did she know ?

"But ... everything's expensive" I protested but she just raised her hand while grinning at me . Soon the waiter came with a pad in his hands . "What can I get you ?" he said looking at both of us "I would like a ribeye with mashed potatoes and for my lady the pasta linguini with the mushrooms and the white sauce" Maxine said and gave him her menu and mine

My lady

My cheeks are burning

"Anything to drink ?" The waiter asked "Would you like something to drink angel ?" she asked me "Just water , thank you" I said kindly and the waiter nodded before leaving . "How are we going to pay ?" I asked her softly "With the money I made from my concert angel . They are quite a lot so I'm taking you out . You deserve it" she said and took my hand in hers , lifting it to her lips and kissing my knuckles .

She was so gentle

So protective

I gave her a smile and a nod before starting a conversation with her . She looked so relaxed . "How's school going sweetheart ?" I asked her "It's going good , I'm doing a lot better and I think I'm gonna be able to pass in Royal Holloway" she said with a proud grin on her face . I gave her a warm smile in return .

I was so so proud of her , for what she had achieved so far and with her talent ? There was so much more she could do . Then the waiter came and gave us our food but he also gave me a piece of paper .

I opened it and saw that it was his number . "What's that ?" Maxine asked while cutting her food "His number" I said placing the piece of paper in front of her "You are not keeping this" she said and threw the paper on her napkin . I chuckled at that and started eating my pasta .

I let out a moan of pleasure . The food was just so good but that didn't really please Max . "Laylah ... watch it" she said but I was in the mood to tease . I pulled the dress from around my waist a little higher and from the top a little down , making my breasts show more .

"What are you doing ?" she asked me curious but also lustfully "Nothing ... Just adjusting my dress" I said and took another spoonful of my food . Max shook her head and continued eating her food . I knew that she wouldn't let it pass but I felt more than ready . That didn't mean that I was going to stop .

"Can I try some of yours ?" I asked her with a smile "Of course angel , let me cut you some" she replied and cut a piece of meat . She nailed the piece of meat with the fork and lifted the fork towards me . I leaned closer placing my elbows on the table and , accidently of course , I pushed my breasts together making them more noticeable to Maxine . Then I opened my mouth and took the piece of the fork and started chewing . 

As I chewed I saw Max's eyes moving from my cleavage to my mouth and them back down . Then she let out a soft groan and continued eating her food . "What's wrong ? Everything okay sweetheart ?" I asked her but she just looked at me , her tongue poking her cheek "Yes angel . Eat your food now yes ?" she said and I did just that .

She was turned on 

I wanted to push her a little more so I started "fixing" my dress , trying to make my breasts seem more noticeable but just for her . As I did that I heard her chuckle "Just wait till we get home angel ... Till we get home" she mumbled and continued eating and I knew well that it was going to be a fun night . 

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