chapter 33

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"Amber ! Are you done ? We need to go !" I shouted from outside the bathroom door . After a few seconds the door swung open , revealing Amber "Stop shouting ! I'm done!" she said and I walked back to my room grabbing Max's hoodie and my phone before walking downstairs , said goodbye to my dad and walked outside , getting into Alex's car .

"Let's go" Ginny said and Alex started driving towards the cinema . Yes, we were going to see a movie . All four of us are huge Marvel fans and we were going to see Eternals .

When we arrived at the cinema , Alex parked the car and we all got out and walked towards the front to get our tickets .

When we finally did, we went inside , got some chips , popcorn and water , and walked towards the room where we were going to watch the movie .

When we took our seats the theatre didn't have lots of people . I got my phone and texted Max , to see what she's doing .

"Hey sweetheart . Just got in the theatre . Wyd ?" I wrote and soon she replied "Practising with the others" then she sent me another text "What did you put on ? Are you cold ?" It read .

Aw , she is such a sweetheart ...

"I took your hoodie so I'm not cold" I replied quickly and I looked at Amber who was sitting next to me ."Amber, can you take a picture of me ? Max wants to see what I am wearing" I asked her and she gave me a nod before taking my phone and started snapping pictures of me . "There you go" she said smiling "Thank you , you are the best" I said to her and started looking through the pictures .

I found one that I liked and sent it to her . After a while she texted me back "You look beautiful angel" I read and smiled at the screen of the phone "Thank you Max <3" I texted back and after , not even a second I got a reply . "Just the facts . I gtg continue practice . Stay safe , if anything happens call me right away" I read on the screen

Aww ... So caring and loving .

"Will do . Have fun sweetheart" I replied to her previous text and got a red heart emoji as a response . I texted one back and closed my phone , since the movie was going to start soon .

After around two hours the movie and credit scenes ended . You cannot imagine how many people left before the credit scenes .

Fake marvel fans

Angelina Jolie served with her role . She played amazingly . As we walked back to the car we talked about the movie .

"It was amazing" Amber said and we all agreed of course . "I don't really understand what Harry Styles was going there but that's the producers thing" Alex said and we continued talking about the actors and their characters .

Before I even realised it I was back home . I said my goodbyes to my friends and walked in my house .

When I opened the front door my dad was on the couch reading a book . "Hey dad" I said and sat down next to him "Hey Laylah . How was the movie ?" He asked me "It was good" I replied with a smile and he hummed in response

"What are you reading ?" I asked him "Oh , it's a book I found in the shop . So far it's okay" he said and closed the book , placing it on the coffee table .

"How are the others ? Everyone alright ?" he asked, turning his attention to me . "Yeap . Everyone is still alive" I said and he chuckled .

We had a small chit chat before I went up to my room and got ready for bed . As I got under the covers my phone got a notification .

I grabbed it and saw that it was from Max . I opened the message to see a picture and a text .

The picture was a screenshot of her lock screen . It was the picture I sent her earlier today . "You like my new lock screen ?" The text read and I replied "Very" .

I can imagine her smiling , I bet she had one of her small smiles on . "I have to go to sleep" I texted after "I know angel . I'll pick you up tomorrow to go to school" she texted back


"Alrighty" I replied and after I got a goodnight with a heart . I said goodnight and placed my phone back on my nightstand .

When I finally got comfortable , I closed my eyes and fell asleep .



Not the best day of my week . I only had one class with Alex and in the rest I was alone . On top of that , Sugar was going to be very busy today and I will only see her tonight , where we are going to have a sleepover . And no I do not mean sex .

A good thing that happened was that Sugar picked me up to go to school this morning . I was still her lock screen .

So cute .

On our way there Sugar told me all about her week and how practice goes . She seemed excited since Topper got a proposal of another festival which will take place in two or three months out of state .

Their dreams were slowly coming true and I was so happy and proud about that .

Right now I'm in a physics class and all I can hear are the two girls in front of me , gossiping .

So annoying .

As I was trying to pay attention to the lesson when I heard Max's name being mentioned

"Do you think she's using her for sex?" One of them said "Of course she is" the second one said and giggled lowly "It's Maxine , what do you expect," the second one said again .

They are jealous

Maxine likes me and she isn't using me


I know Max wouldn't do that . We have been together for almost three months . Soon the bell rang and I got up from my seat and walked outside the classroom .

I had a free period and I walked towards the music classroom , Max was probably there .

As I entered I heard voices , which belonged to people I knew .

Hayden , JJ and Topper

I walked further inside till they noticed me "Laylah ! How are you" JJ asked me happily "I'm good . Congratulations for your first festival and for your second one" I said and they gave me nods and smiles

"Maxine told you ?" Hayden asked as he sat down on a chair close to him "Yes and I truly believe that you deserve a place in the music industry" I replied and Topper placed a hand over his heart "Aw , Maxine got a sweet one" he said and we all laughed

After fifteen minutes Maxine entered and came to me , giving me a kiss "You'll stay ?" She asked me "Yeap . Now go play sweetheart . You need practice" I said and she gave me one last kiss before walking towards her friends .

"One , two , three and" JJ started counting with his drumsticks and the guitar's started playing , with Topper making them sound perfect

They never fail on surprise me 

My lesbian RockstarTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang