chapter 10

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A soft knock on my door brought me back to reality . "Come in" I softly said, putting my book with everything on my desk as the door opened revealing my dad . "Hey sweetheart" he greeted and sat next to me "Hey ... How was work ?" I asked him .

My dad works as a tattoo artist and piercer , at a shop not far from our house . He has tattoos and I like them all and their meanings .

"It was good" he said with a smile and then ... silence . Thick silence . He knew I hated it between us . "Is it true that mom is coming ?" I asked , not being able to keep the words in my mouth . "Yes" he sighed, making my heart beat faster .

"I wanted to tell you Laylah ... but I knew that it would be hard for you . I'm sorry" he said, pulling me into his arms for a hug . I let out a shake breath and closed my eyes , allowing myself to melt into his arms .

But anxiety came again . "What if she doesn't accept me" I whispered , my voice filled with panic "She will honey . She will still love you and accept you" he said, kissing my head , letting me know that everything was gonna be fine .

He then looked at my desk , looking at my book "What are you reading ?" he asked me , while looking down at me . I lifted my head and got out of his arms to bring the book to him . "It's about a theory that says that Achilles and Patroclus weren't companions but lovers" I said to him as he flipped through the pages . "I like it so far" I said and he gave me a smile . He knew I like , scratch that , love books and he wanted me to talk to him about them .

He placed the book on my desk again and let out a breath . "Anyway ... I came to ask you if you wanted to help me cook" he said and I rapidly nod , hopping out of bed and heading down to the kitchen . When I entered I took a seat on the kitchen counter waiting for him to come in .

When he finally did he went to the sink and washed his hands . It was his number one rule . My dad was a great cook and I always said that he should have a restaurant . He never listened .

"What are we making today ?" I asked him while washing my hands too . "I was thinking about pasta with steak" he said and started taking the materials we needed out of the cupboards or out of the fridge .

I dried my hands and stood next to him , waiting for him to tell me what to do . "Make the pasta while I'll make the steak" he said looking at me and I nod before going and grabbing the pot , filling it with water and placing it on the stove .

This was a habit of ours , cooking together . We also played video games which most of the time I won and dad said "That's bloody stupid . You always win" and I always laughed .

Yes, my dad is British . When the water started boiling I put in some salt and waited a little more before placing the pasta inside . Today we had linguine , my favourite type of pasta .

I looked over at my dad who was frying two pieces of steak on a fry . "Can you also do this sauce you did last time ?" I asked him and he chuckled before nodding his head . "Watch the steak for me" he said and started making the sauce .

When I asked him for the recipe he said that it was a secret .

Can you believe that ?!

I scoffed at the memory and checked between the steak and pasta .

My dad placed the plates on the table and I sat down waiting for him . He poured himself a glass of white wine and for me a lemonade . When he sat down he passed me my glass and we started eating .

I let out a groan of pleasure . It tasted so , so good . I heard my dad chuckle and I looked up to him smiling . "What's in the sauce ?" I asked again , innocently . I really needed the recipe . "No young lady ... I am not going to tell you" he said and I scoff before digging into my plate again . Soon we were finished and my dad was doing the dishes while I was reading my book in the living room .

Then there was a knock on the front door . "I'll get it" I said and placed my book down before getting up and walking towards the door . I opened the door and saw a woman .

My mum .

She had her brown hair in a ponytail and two big suitcases next to her . I was shocked . I wasn't expecting her to come today . I froze on the spot looking at her . I heard footsteps , my dad's coming towards me .

"Who is it honey ?" He asked me and I looked at him , watching his eyes landing on my mum .

A smile creeped on his face and walked towards her , to hug her or kiss her but she stopped him before he could do anything . She got inside the house and with her suitcases and sat on the couch . My dad closed the door with a confused expression on his face .

"I want a divorce" she announced, making me lose my words. "And I want Laylah to come with me" she finished her sentence making my mouth fall on the floor .

"What ?" My dad asked her . His smile had disappeared from his face and his eyes were filled with sadness . He started tearing up . "I met someone in Austria and I'm gonna move in with him so I need a divorce" she said and that was when I started getting angrier .

Why is she telling him this so calmly ?

Did their marriage and love mean nothing ?!

She wants to take me to Austria ?!

No that's not gonna happen .

I looked at my dad and he started getting angry but hid it .

Don't let her take me away

"You want a divorce ? That's fine but you won't take Laylah away from me" he said , trying to sound calm . "Laylah , sweetie , would you like to come with me to Austria ? It will be amazing and we will have this big h-" she started talking to me , completely ignoring my father , but I cut her off .

Is she serious ? She thinks because of a big house and money I'm gonna move away from my family and friends ?

"No . I'm not going anywhere . You thought because you came back I would come with you ? I'm not going anywhere with you . I'm staying with dad . I don't care about you two divorcing but you aren't taking me away from him and my friends" I said and a single tear fell down my face "Laylah ..." She said softly but I wasn't going to hear it .

"You didn't raise me . Dad did . I'm not gonna give him up because of a big house and you . You weren't here for me and will never be so go have fun with your boyfriend in Austria" I said and walked up to my room , closing the door behind me .

My mum has been cheating on my dad the last 2 years . She was cheating on him with another guy ... My dad was a wonderful person , he doesn't deserve it . She doesn't deserve him . She never did . I decided to take a shower to calm down and I did just that .

When I put a pair of pj's on I walked back downstairs and saw my dad sitting on the couch alone . "Dad ..." I whispered . He lifted his head and looked at me . He patted down a spot next to him on the couch and sat next to him "I'm sorry Laylah" he said and I saw a tear falling from his eyes . I pulled him into a hug letting him know that it's ok .

He wrapped his arms around me and he let out a shaking breath . "She doesn't deserve you dad . She never did and she never will" I whispered to him and rubbed his back .

"I'm supposed to tell you that" he said and I laughed a little with his comment . He pulled away after a while and looked at me . "I called Samuel and he will take care of the divorce papers" he said and I gave him a nod . Samuel was a friend of my dad from the military.

"Laylah" he breathed out and I looked at him "Thank you" he said and I gave him a small smile in return . "I'm going to my room . Don't stay up too late and please don't drink" I said and he gave me a nod .

I hate drunk people and he knows that . My mum sometimes used to drink when something turned out wrong at her job and she wasn't a nice drunk , she was mean and angry drunk . She would break glasses or empty bottles .

I grabbed my book and went to my room again . I sat on my bed and continued reading my book . Before I even realised it the clock showed 3:20am . I closed the book and placed it on my desk .

I got out of my bed and walked downstairs to see if dad was asleep . When I got into the living room the television was open and my dad was laying on the couch . He was asleep and there was no sign of alcohol . I closed the TV and grabbed a blanket , placing it over him .

After that I walked back to my room and fell asleep right away .

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