chapter 39

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"Come on angel . I'm not leaving you . Stop crying please" I said as I rubbed her back , comfortingly .

Today was our one year and we couldn't pass it together .

It sucks

Laylah had her big exam and I had a show out of state .

"I'll miss you so so much" she said as another sob left her lips "Angle I'll be gone for two days maximum" I said again , trying to comfort her "Too much" she replied and I chuckled

I titled her head to look at me , my index under her chin . Her big chocolate brown eyes looked at me in sadness and I leaned down to kiss her

"I'll miss you too . I promise that we'll text and facetime every chance we get" I said and her eyes glowed for a few seconds "Promise ?" She asked "Promise" I replied and she hugged me again .

"Be safe please" she said, still looking at me "Always angel . Happy one year anniversary angel" I said with a smile and she smiled back "Happy one year . When you come back you own me a date" she said and I gave her a nod with a smile

I gave her one last kiss on the lips . It was a deep and long one , filled with emotions . I didn't want to leave her .

"I love you" I said after pulling away "I love you too" she said with a small smile on her lips . Giving her a last , loving kiss on her forehead . I walked to my car and got in .

Turning on the engine, I started driving towards the airport . I was going to meet up with the rest and get on the plane for Arizona .

When I met up with the rest , we gave our things to be put in the plane and after all this thing with checking the suitcase and the passports we finally got on the plane and before I even know it , I feel asleep


"Hello everybody this is 4SB" Hayden's voice echoed from the microphone , making the crowd go while "And you're going to have the night of your lives" JJ continued .

Phones were already up recording . A small smile made its way to my lips . "I want all of you to show a big welcome to our Topper , our DJ and manager" I said in the microphone and the crowd beneath us went wild .

I looked to my left and saw Topper mouthing me a thank you and I gave him a nod . "Who's ready ?" I asked again and everyone shouted a 'me' .

And the show began

"We have one last song for tonight" JJ said into the microphone . "It's a song I wrote for my girlfriend , Laylah . So it's a love song" I said to the crowd "She never writes love songs" Hayden added "Laylah this is for you" I said in the microphone and we started playing the intro .

(play song at the top)

I, I, when I was younger

I, I, should have known better

And I can't feel no remorse

And you don't feel nothing back

I started singing while Hayden played the chords , JJ the drums as softly as he could and Topper was above his console

I, I, got a new girlfriend

She feels like he's on top

And I don't feel no remorse

And you can't see past my blinders

I sang the next verse and looked at the crowd in front of me . They had their phones up recording

Oh, oh Laylah

You've been on my mind girl since the flood

Oh, oh Laylah

Heaven help a fool who falls in love

I smiled while saying her name . I could picture her looking at me while having that adorable big smile of hers on .

I, I, got a little paycheck

You got big plans and you gotta move

And I don't feel nothing at all

And you can't feel nothing small

Sweetheart I love you, that's all she wrote

That was a text she would text me every night after our first "I love you" .

So damn adorable

Oh, oh Laylah

You've been on my mind girl like a drug

Oh, oh Laylah

Heaven help a fool who falls in love

She was my heaven and like I wrote in my song , I couldn't help but fall more and more in love with her .

Like a fool

Today she was wearing a pair of jeans with a sweater on . She had her hair down , letting her curls frame her beautiful face .

That's what she was going to wear today.

I miss her

Soon I finished singing my song .

Her song

"I love you angel" I said right after the crowd went wild . We said goodbye to them and walked off the stage .

It's going to be a long two days .


"Hello angel" I said to the phone "Sweetheart ! How did it go ?" She asked excitedly, "It went well . I'm on my way back to the airport . How were the exams ?" I asked her "It went well" she said and I could imagine her smiling .

I let a smile play on my lips "I'm sorry for not texting you a lot" I said when I stopped at the red light "It's okay Max . I understand . I miss you so much" she said and I chuckled

She misses me

"I miss you too, angel . I'm gonna be by your side soon" I said and she let out a small laugh "I love you" she said after a long pause "I love you too angel . I'll see you soon" I said and she mumbled an okay .

Then she made a smooch sound and I made one back before ending the call .

I miss her like an idiot .

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