chapter 22

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I skipped my first class . YAY

"Where were you Laylah ?" Alex asked anxiously "I skipped my first class !" I said to him excited "What ? You did what ?" Ginny asked me while standing next to Alex "Relax guys ... I was with Max" I said smiling and looking at them "I'm gonna kill her . She's gonna turn our sweet L into a criminal" Amber said from my right .

Criminal ? Huh ?

"I'm not a criminal because I skipped a class" I exclaimed "Hush L . The elders are talking" Alex said .

Elders my ass

We were walking to our next class , which was P.E . I didn't like it . We had to wear shorts and my thighs were showing . I felt so over-exposed .

Amber , Ginny and I headed to the changing rooms and changed into our shorts and shirts . When we entered the gym , a few people were there . Mostly boys . Many of them turned their gazes on us and other girls that would enter the gym . I hated that

I wanna get out of here

"Good morning class" the coach said entering the gym "Make two lines , boys and girls" he said and we lined up . While the teacher was talking for today's lesson , I heard my name being mentioned from behind me

"I don't understand Laylah , Jaden asked her out and she rejected him" a female voice said "For who though ? I mean she's gay" another one said

There's nothing wrong with me being gay ...

"We don't even know if that's true . She might just say she is for attention" the first one said .

Why would I do that ?

"Is bisexuality even a thing ? Can't she choose to like one ?" the second one said and started laughing slowly .

It is a thing . Bisexuality is a thing .

"L ? You're alright ?" Amber asked me and I gave her a smile and I nodded my head . She gave me a serious look and turned her attention back to the coach .

I want my Max . I need Max .

At the gym , we run laps , threw balls , talked about other things but I didn't pay attention . The only thing I did pay attention to were the gazes of two girls that every time I would look at them they would giggle at each other .

It's too much .

Soon the bell rang and I quickly got out of the gym and towards the changing room . I changed quickly and headed to the bathroom . I could hear Amber's voice calling my name but I didn't stop .

What did I do wrong ?

I got into a stall and locked the door before sitting on the toilet and let some tiers fall down my cheeks . I used to be judged because of my sexuality when I first came out at the school . I was ashamed of my sexuality .

At first the boy I liked ghost me and I would receive judging gazing by girls mostly . It was awful , it all stopped when I got my first boyfriend and now it started again . It started when I became Maxine's girlfriend .

"I got it , don't worry" a voice said . I knew that voice


"Angel , baby ? Are you here ?" she asked and I didn't reply "Do you want to talk to me ?" she asked again softly . I opened the stall door and stepped out to see her eyes looking at me . Her gaze softened when she saw .

She took some steps closer and wrapped her arms around me . Picking me up , she sat down on the toilet , with me on me on her lap . "What happened angel ? Who made you cry ?" she asked me softly , wiping my tears .

"It's stupid" I said playing with her rings "It's not stupid if it made you cry" she said titling my head to meet her eyes . Taking a breath I started telling her what happened "I heard some girls saying that I'm stupid for rejecting Jaden and then they started saying that bisexuality is not real and I'm faking it for attention" I said lowly dropping my gaze to her hand .

I heard her sign and pulled me in a hug . My head on her chest and her arms around my waist . I heard her humming a song while her hand got lost in my curls . "They are jealous angel . They are jealous because you have my heart" she whispered softly before kissing the top of my head .

"And for the record bisexuality is real , never let anyone tell you the opposite" she said taking my face between her hands .

How did I get so lucky ?

I mumbled an okay and let my face fell against her chest again . We stayed like that for a while , till the bell rang . "How many periods do you have left ?" Maxine asked me softly "Four" I said , still my eyes closed "The fourth is a free period" I continued lifting my body off Maxine's chest . "I have music , would you like to come ?" she asked me and I nodded rapidly .

I liked watching her sing , she was happy at that moment . I like seeing her happy . I only want to see her happy .

I got up from her lap and gave her lips and soft loving kiss . "Thank you" I said after pulling away and started walking out of the restroom and towards my next class . I heard Maxine's footsteps behind me and when she was close enough she wrapped her hand around my shoulders pulling me closer to her .

I entered my class and took my seat in the back . Nothing could ruin my day now . "Pop quiz" the teacher said and started giving the papers . Thank god I had studied today's lesson so I was confident about it . When I got my paper in front of me I started to respond to the questions .


"Ginny, come on !" I said as I walked down the school's hallway . Ginny had a free period since Mrs Hamilton didn't show up , so we are going together to see Max , and Topper . "I'm coming ! Stop running L ! It's not running time" she said from behind me but I didn't care .

I entered the music classroom and found Topper , JJ , Hayden and Maxine sitting on a chair on her phone . "Yo , Max ... Your lover came" Hayden said and Maxine , my sugar , turned her head and looked at me . I walked towards her and kissed her cheek . "Hello angel . Everything alright ?" she asked me "Yes Max . Everything's alright" I said and sat down next to her .

She gave me a smile and got up from her seat going towards the rest "Alright boys . From the start" Maxine said, placing her guitar's strap over her head . JJ started counting with his sticks and soon they started playing , with Topper above his console .

She was smiling

She was happy and so was I

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