chapter 41

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Some years later


"Laylah, that's amazing ! I'm so proud of you angel" I said to my amazing and beautiful girlfriend , through the screen of my phone .

Video call

"I know !" She said as she smiled wide . I was currently in England , last year of university and Laylah was just assanted a very important project that would open her career as an architect .

Yes, my angel is an architect and she's gonna build our house .

A house to grow old in .

"I miss you" I said and she gave me one of her pouts "I miss you too sweetheart. So so much but it's just till the summer and then we are both done with university" she said happily and I chuckled at that.

Only a couple of months till I see her again

I want to marry her

Too soon ? Yes , for my angel it's too soon .

"Max ! We have to go ! They are already setting up the stage !" Hayden said , bursting into the room

Get out you fucker

"Oh hey L ! Didn't see you there . How's uni ?" He asked her kindly "It's really good ! Just some months till I see you all again" she said and smiled . Hayden gave her one last smile , a wave and got out of the room

"I have to go" I said softly to her "I know . Have fun and sing my song . I love you" she said and a smile got on my face .

Her reaction , of me singing the song I wrote for her, was priceless . She was so shocked and happy . She cried from happiness .

"Will do angel. I love you endlessly" I said and she started making kissing noises and I sent some back .

Only for her

After we said our goodbyes , we ended the call and I got , grabbed my guitar and started walking towards the building's parking lot to meet the others .


"Thank you everyone ! Have a good night" I said through the microphone and waved at the crowd in front of me before walking behind the stage's curtains .

"Today's was sick !" Topper said as he entered the room I was at . "Shut up" I said as I dialled Laylah's number .

Why isn't she picking it up ?

Come on L

"Jeez ..." JJ said and sat on the couch . I started bouncing my leg up and down waiting for her to call me back .

After a second my phone rang and I quickly picked it up "Hey sweetheart" her voice said through the line and I instantly calmed down "Hi" I said to her

"How did it go?" She asked me softly , like she always did. "It went alright" I said and I smiled "I'm proud of you . You sang my song for me ?" She asked and I chuckled "Yes I did" I replied

"Well , I think I'm forgetting it . Remind me" she said and I laughed lightly .

She always does that . Whenever she can't be at my shows to listen to her song she says that she forgot it .

So adorable

"Oh , oh , Laylah you've been on my mind girl since the flood" I started singing and I heard Laylah giggle .

That adorable sound , whenever it left her lips it made my heart do that flippy thing .

And I continued singing till she was satisfied because I would do anything for her


"I miss you " she said after a minute of silence "I miss you too angel . More than I can express , more than I can show you , more that I can describe you . I miss you like crazy and I can't wait to see you again" I said to her through the phone .

That device made me feel so far away from her but still close enough "I miss your lavender shampoo . It's smell was all over my clothes and I loved it" I said again and she made an "aw" sound

"It's only some months sweetheart and then we are going to find a house and living together" she said happily

And I'll marry you

"We will do anything you want, angel . I love you endlessly" I said to her "I love you too sweetheart" she replied and ended the call

"Are you done, lover girl ?" JJ's voice said and I gave him my middle finger . I got up from my chair ,and helped them carry some things to our cars .

When I got inside my car , I drove back to mine and the boys' house .

I need some sleep

When I finally reached our apartment , I parked my car , and walked inside the building .

The building wasn't new but it was in a good condition . I opened the door of our apartment and walked inside, closing it behind me .

I saw Hayden's Jordans next to the door so I figured that he was here . I walked to my room and placed my guitar on the corner of my room . Next thing I did was to walk to the bathroom and have a nice , warm shower .

When I was done with that , I put on a pair of grey sweatpants and a hoodie of mine and jumped on my bed . I got under the covers and closed my eyes , falling asleep .


I can't sleep .

I grabbed my phone and looked the hour



I lowered the screen light, pressed the Instagram app and called Laylah . I know I could have used the original app to call her but it will cost a lot for both of us .

After some rings she picked it up .

"Max .... Hey, why aren't you sleeping ?" She asked me softly

"I couldn't . Can you just stay here ? Don't end the call please . Just pretend you're with me" I said and closed my eyes

"Alright sweetheart . I love you and try to get some sleep , yes ?" She said again and I let out a breath and said okay .

I could hear her breathing and mine started getting slower and slower till I fell asleep .

"I love you too" I whispered before falling into deep sleep

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