chapter 29

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When they played the last chord of their song Amber , Alex , Ginny and I started clapping our hands together .

They were so damn good

"When's the festival ?" Alex asked them "In a week or so" Hayden replied "What songs are we going to perform ?" JJ asked , still sitting behind his drums . "We are going to figure this out tomorrow but we have a limit of 10 songs" Topper said standing from his seat and going over to Ginny .

"I've heard that many new artist are going to be there" Amber said and Maxine nod "That's true but all I care is to have a good show and the people to have fun" Maxine said and the others agreed

Look how caring she is ...

Soon she came and sat next to me putting her hand around my shoulders . I leaned closer to her and rested my head on her shoulder . After a while the voices started fading and I fell asleep .


I opened my eyes again with the sound of my name being called .

"Angel . Wake up" the voice said and I forced my eyes open to look into a familiar set of grey eyes . A small smile appeared on her lips and she helped me out of the car .

She brought me home

"Do you want me to come with you ?" she asked me while closing the car door and locking it . "Yes please" I said, rubbing my eyes . She placed her one hand around my waist as we walked towards the door .

She knocked and we waited for my dad to open . Less than a minute the door opened revealing my dad "Hey guys" he said and we walked inside "We were at mine , doing homework and she fell asleep so I brought her home" Max explained and my dad nod "Thank you" he said and Maxine gave him a nod

Then she turned to me "I'll see you tomorrow at school . Alex will come pick you up" she started , while looking into my eyes "Okay . Goodnight sweetheart" I said to her and felt her lips on my forehead "Goodnight angel" she said and gave my hips a soft pat . Like the gentlewoman she was , she said goodnight to my dad and walked back outside .

"Two months huh ?" my dad said and I smiled while nodding my head "She's a good one kid . You better keep her" he said while tapping my nose "You mean she better keep me ?" I asked him in a challenging tone "Both L . Now go to sleep . School's tomorrow" he said and I nodded , gave him a hug and walked to my room .

I had my shower , put Max's hoodie on and fell asleep under the covers .


"Sorry I'm late" I said as I entered the back seat of Alex's car "We were about to leave" Amber said and we all laughed "You wouldn't dare" I said , knowing my friends a little too well . "How's everyone going ?" I asked them cheerfully "I broke up with Topper" Ginny said out of the blue .

What ?

"Do we need to beat him up ?" Alex asked , his eyes focused on the road . "No , we both decided it . We saw that we have stopped being like we were at first so we broke up to be fair with ourselves" she finished with a small smile on her face

"Are you alright though ?" Amber asked, turning to look at us from the front seat "I'm a little sad yes , but happy too . We made memories but we lost feelings . It happens . We decided to be friends and if that doesn't work out , our paths will stop meeting" Ginny said and we all agreed .

Ginny was always fair when it came to feelings . She knew when to stop something or to start something new . I liked that about her .

As usual , Alex parked the car , we got out and went to our classes . I had maths with Alex and let me tell you that the teacher does not like us .

As we entered the classroom , we sat down on our seats and waited for the teacher to come in . After some minutes he did and started his lesson .

Finally , class was over , with lots of homework to do but it was over . And I walked over to my locker and took the books I needed for after .

Then I walked to my next class , which was Biology . I liked it , kinda . I took my seat at the back and started drawing random shapes on my notebook waiting for time to pass by .

The classroom started filling with students and the teacher came right after , starting the lesson .

After that I had lunch and a couple more periods till I could go home .

As I walked towards the cafeteria a was stopped by a group of girls "Hi , Laylah right ?" one of them said "Yeah" I replied , confused . They haven't talked to me before "We thought that you should know that Maxine was making out with a blondie in the bathroom" the brunette of the group said and they all walked past me .



No , Max wouldn't do that to me

She likes me

She wouldn't

I quickly walked towards the cafeteria and walked towards the table. I knew I would find my friends , Max and the rest . I found them there . "Hey angel" Maxine said and patted a spot next to her and I went and sat down there .

"Are you okay ?" she whispered to me . She knew me too well "Some girls told me that you made out with a girl in the bathroom . Please tell me that it's not true . Tell me that they are messing with me ... Please" I pleaded her , trying to hold my tears from falling .

"You are the only woman in my life, Laylah . The only woman I want . My woman . My girl . My angel" she said taking my hand in hers "And I am yours angel . Your girl . Only yours" she said kissing my knuckles

She was mine

I was hers

"I know , I know but please ... tell me it isn't true" I whispered to her . "I need to hear you say it" I said right after . Her eyes never leaving mine , reading my emotions . "It's a lie and it will always be a lie" she said , assuring me and I gave her a nod before leaning my head to her arm .

She always smelled nice

Max's strong arms lifted me and placed me on her lap . Her one hand was on the table and the other resting on my thigh , gazing over my jeans . It was comforting but it made the mood more naughty .

Oh god ...

Just finger me already-

No . Nope . No naughty thoughts .

Too early . Too early .

I heard Max chuckle lightly as she gave my thigh a squeeze . I let my fingers gaze her hand and play with the rings on her fingers . Leaning my head on her chest I started paying attention to the conversation and joined .

I liked it when it was like that . I was with my friends, my amazing girlfriend and her friends . We became a big group and I liked it so much .

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