chapter 26

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God I despite her mother . How dare she talk to her like that ? She's ashamed ? Ashamed of what ? She broke my little angel

My little girl

My sweet little girl

Laylah was still sleeping . Her dad told me to let her sleep . When she gets upset, sleep makes her feel a little better . "May I ask why she came here ?" I asked Laylah's dad . "She came to tell me that she was going to fight to take custody of her" he said

Custody ? Hell no

"I don't think she wants that anymore" he said and I agreed . "Thank you for taking care of her Maxine" he said and I gave him a nod "Of course sir , your daughter is an amazing girl" I said , meaning every word "She's a sweetheart and please call me George" he said and I gave him a nod

"Laylah told me you cook ?" I asked him "Yes I do and sometimes we cook together . She has been telling me to open a restaurant" he said with a smile "So you are that good" I said looking at him "I think yes . At least that's what my Laylah says" he said and took a sip of his coffee .

"I have to go to work . Please give Laylah a hug and make sure she's alright" he said and I gave him a nod again . He grabbed his keys and left the house .

I heard my phone buzzing in my pocket so I took it out and looked at the contact . Alex was calling

"Yes ?" I asked him "Where are you guys ?" he asked me "Me and Laylah won't be coming today" I said to them "What happened ? Is she okay ?" A female voice said . That was Amber

"Her mum paid her a visit , she told her about us , it didn't end well" I said shortly "We will be there in five" Alex said .

What ? No !

"No Alex . You'll stay there at school . You will come after school . I don't want her stressing out" I said to the phone "You can't tell us what to do !" Ginny's voice said from the phone "I don't want her stressed right now . She had a difficult night . Come by after school . Please" I said to them and there was a pause

"Okay fine . Take care of her" Alex said and I said an okay before ending the call . Not longer after, footsteps came closer to the kitchen and I turned my head to see Laylah standing there .

"Why didn't you wake me up ?" She stretched her arms "You needed a good sleep angel" I said and she gave me a nod "How are you feeling ?" I asked her as she came closer and hugged me "Tired but better" she said snuggling closer to me .

I wrapped my hands around her and kissed the top of her head . "Are you hungry ? You're dad made a fruit salad I think" I said to her and she said a soft no . "You need to eat angel" I said to her rubbing her back

"I will eat later" she said looking up at me "Alright but you won't skip it . Promise ?" I asked her . "Promise" she replied and one of her beautiful small smiles appeared on her face

There's the smile

I gave her a kiss on the lips and opened the fridge taking out the fruit salad her dad made . It was a big bowl to be honest .

I placed it on the table and got two forks out . I sat down on the chair and pulled another one out for Laylah . She came and sat down , grabbed a fork and started eating . She placed her feet on my lap as I ate and I caressed them with my hands , comforting her .

Soon the bowl was empty and we were back in her bed cuddling . Cuddling with her always felt so nice . It was comforting and I felt safe

My heaven

She had her head in my chest and I had my arms around her . I could see that she was thinking hard "What's on your mind angel ?" I asked her softly "Last night's events . I'm thinking that you're right . She is wrong and I have people around me that love me" she said and I smile

"That's right angel" I said and placed her hand on mine .

Perfect fit

"Thank you for being here" she mumbled against my chest "Thank you for letting me be here" I said to her and kissed her hand and soon she was asleep again .

She's so perfect

So cute

So amazing

So beautiful

So adorable

Just so perfect

Like she's made for me

I let my fingers wonder in her hair and let sleep take me too . I fell asleep with my sweet little angel in my arms knowing she's calm . Knowing she's safe. 

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