chapter 44

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Summer afternoon

Me in a suit waiting

An aisle on the beach

My wedding

"Why isn't she coming ?" I asked JJ who was besides me "She's supposed to be late Max . Relax" he said and I just nod , trying to relax .

When I lifted my eyes from the sand found I saw her

There she is

Walking down the aisle in the most beautiful white dress .

Hugging her body perfectly .

Her dad was standing next to her and I could see it in his eyes . He was so proud of his daughter .

"Continue loving her and taking care of her" he said as he helped her stand in front of me

She looks breathtaking .

The way her eyes were looking into mine .


The prettiest woman on earth

My pretty woman .

"And now your vows" the priest said

Already ?

"I vow to be there for you . I vow to always support you . I vow that you will always be the love of my life" she said and I saw a tear run down her cheek .

I knew it was a happy tear

"I vow to love you till death and beyond . I vow to protect you at all costs . I vow to our love " I said to her and I let my own tears of happiness fall from my eyes .

I don't even know how these two words made me the happiest woman on earth

I do

"You may kiss the bride now" the priest said and I couldn't wait longer . I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her in for the most passionate kiss I could give her . I felt her smile against my lips and her hands landed on each side of my face pulling me even closer to her 

"I love you Mrs Young till death and beyond" I whispered to her after we pulled away , just slightly . I could feel her breath against my lips 

"Till death and beyond" she replied and kissed me again .

Everyone was clapping and cheering us but I didn't care . All I cared about was my beautiful wife .

My beautiful woman

Suddenly I got an idea

I picked her up and started running towards the sea

"Max put me down !" She shouted but I didn't listen . I continued running there and threw both of us in .

When I looked at her she was laughing and started splashing me with water . I did the same and I started chasing her around the beach .

When I finally got her I pulled her to me , looking into her beautiful eyes .

"Are you happy ?" I asked her "Yes , are you ?" She replied "More than I could ever imagine" I said and she laughed breathless from all the running

"Sing my song" she demanded and I chuckled before taking a stand of her beautiful curls and placing it behind her ear

(play song at the top)

I, I, when I was younger

I, I, should have known better

I started singing and my wife started smiling

My wife

And I can't feel no remorse

And you don't feel nothing back

I continued as I wrapped both of my hands around her waist and she wrapped hers around my neck

I, I, got a new girlfriend

She feels like he's on top

And I don't feel no remorse

And you can't see past my blinders

We started swinging at the sound of my voice

Oh, Oh Laylah

You've been on my mind girl since the flood

Oh, Laylah

Heaven help a fool who falls in love

I made her do the twirl the romantic couple on movies do and she giggled at that . God that sound . My favourite sound on earth

You got big plans and you gotta move

And I don't feel nothing at all

And you can't feel nothing small

Sweetheart I love you, that's all she wrote

Whenever these words left her mouth it felt amazing . My heart did that flippy thing . I started liking it .

Oh, Oh Laylah

You've been on my mind girl like a drug

Oh, Oh Laylah

Heaven help a fool who falls in love

I sang again and we continue dancing together , wet and sand all over our clothes

Oh, Oh Laylah

You've been on my mind girl since the flood

Oh, Oh Laylah

Heaven help a fool who falls in love

I replied and I heard her whispering the lyrics to herself .

I've found my happiness

My safe heaven

My whole life was here

Standing in a white dress , in front of me . My whole life was dancing with me , singing with me .

Oh, Oh Laylah

You've been on my mind girl like a drug

Oh, Oh Laylah

Heaven help a fool who falls in love

My angel

My Laylah

Even when the song was finished we continued dancing together , like nobody else mattered , and they didn't .

We did

The beauty in front of me did

The woman I get to call my wife mattered

Laylah Young

Her and only her

"You're the best thing that have happened to me" I said as I leaned my forehead on hers

I remember her reaction when I proposed to her . She was in a beautiful white dress and I was in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt , on my knee , holding a ring .

I love her

I'll always love her

I've always loved her

"Till death and beyond" I heard her whisper

"Till death and beyond angel" I replied and gave her another loving kiss

Till death and beyond

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