chapter 14

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Maxine called me angel , brought me home , well not exactly in front of my house but close to it , and ignored the two girls .

For me

I recognized them . They were the same ones she was talking to this morning .

I wanted her number so I asked Alex . My excuse ? I wanted to thank her again and when I texted her she replied with "Hey it was no trouble at all . I'm glad you asked about my number" .

She was glad I asked for her number .

I replied with "I'm glad I did it too" .

She asked me about Halloween . I'm going as Mrs Smith from the movie with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt . These two are bi panic . I was planning on wearing a plain black dress and a fake gun strapped on my thigh . Maxine thought I was gonna look good .

Why do I care about what she thinks ?

Because I have a crush on her .

What am I saying ? I can't have a crush on her . I simply cannot .

I let out a sign and grabbed my phone to text Amber , Ginny and Alex . We had a group chat called "Crackheads" because sometimes we are like we're on crack . Anyway I tapped the app and it opened .

"Guyssss" I typed "We need to get our costumes" I texted again . "I know!" Amber texted back and soon Alex and Ginny were online . "Let's go tomorrow after school" Alex suggested in a text "I'm in" Ginny types "Same here" Amber agreed . "Alright then" I texted . We said our 'see ya tomorrow' and I walked downstairs .

My dad was casually in the kitchen , making dinner . "Hey dad" I said and sat down on a table "Hey Laylah . How was school ?" he said and looked at me , giving me one of his sad smiles "What happened ?" I asked him . When I saw his smile , it was like my stomach was tied . "Nothing just the divorce" he said and I started playing with my fingers . "Did she ask for custody ?" I asked him , fear dripping to my stomach "No and I hope she doesn't" he said and paused for a while "Would you like to go with her ? If you want you are free to-" he started .

Why would he think that ?

I would never leave him .

He raised me .

"Stop . I'm not gonna leave you dad . You raise me . Not mum . You so please never ask me again if I'm going with her because I'm not" I said and I saw his eyes filling with tears . "I'm sorry, Laylah" he said and looked down .

I didn't want to make him cry . "I didn't want to make you cry" I said as I got closer to him . He let out a laugh and looked at me smiling "These are happy tears because you are staying with me" he said and I smiled . He wiped his eyes and looked at me , while straightening his back . "Help me make the table" he said and I went to the cupboard to get out the plates .


"Ready ?" Alex asked us . Ginny was sitting in the passenger seat with me and Amber on the back . After eight , torturous periods school had ended . Now we are heading to the mall , which isn't far away .

Alex started the car and started driving towards the mall . "Maxine , Topper , Hayden and JJ are coming with us . They need costumes too" he said and I heard Ginny gasp in shock "Why are they coming ? I look like shit" she said and started tying her hair in a ponytail . "You do not look like shit" Amber said and Ginny gave her the middle finger .

I heard Alex laughing lightly under his breath and I did the same . Soon enough we were at the mall . Alex parked the car in the parking lot and we all got out and started walking towards the entrance .

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