chapter 21

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I'm standing outside her door and it's cold . Really cold .

I knocked on the door lightly and I heard footsteps . The door swung open revealing a man "How can I help you ?" he asked me , he looked like Laylah's father "I'm sorry for the disruption sir . I'm here to see Laylah" I said and an expression of realisation made her way on his face . "You must be Maxine . Come in" he said and I got inside , hearing the door close while I let my eyes wonder around the room .

Soon another pair of feet started making their way towards us . My eyes fell into a pair of chocolate brown ones . "Max !" she whispered shouted and jumped into my arms . I chuckled lightly letting her wrap her legs around my torso and I kept her up by keeping my hands under her thighs "Hello angel" I said while burying my head into her neck , inhaling her smell .


"Alright kids . I'm gonna head to sleep , keep it quiet and don't be late for school tomorrow . Goodnight Laylah" he said and kissed the top of her head "Goodnight Maxine . It was nice meeting you" he said , giving me a small smile and headed up the stairs .

"I already like your dad" I mumbled into her neck and she let out one of her little soft laughs "I know" she said as I placed her down . She grabbed my hand and stood on her tiptoes , peeking my lips . A grin formed on my face and pulled her in for a proper kiss .

Kissing her lips felt like heaven . I licked her bottom lip , asking for entrance and she gave it to me . I pushed my tongue in and it touched hers . I couldn't control myself . I deepen the kiss , sucking on her tongue and lips , biting her bottom lip just to hear the sound of her shaky breath every time I do that .

"Let's go angel" I whispered to her , after pulling away . She started leading me to her bedroom and sat me on her bed . I took off my shoes , hoodie and shirt , leaving me only in my sweatpants . I got under the covers with her and pulled myself closer to her .

Bringing my head to her chest , wrapping my tattooed arms around her waist and hearing to her heartbeat was another heaven for me . I heard her let out a soft , almost quiet giggle before I felt her hand get through my hair playing with her .

This feels good , so fucking good .

I snuggled closer to her body and there was this giggle again and my heart did that freaking flipping thing she did last time too . "Angel ?" I asked her softly, getting a hum in response "I missed you" I mumbled against her chest and she let out a breath "I know sweetheart . I did too" she whispered back and gave my head a kiss

Here's that flippy thing again

Soon my eyes closed and I fell asleep in her arms .

My safe place

My heaven


Opening the passenger door for her , she got out of the car and grabbed my hand . I closed the door and locked the car , and after we started walking at the school's entrance . Every time we would walk around everyone would look at us .

Some girls would look at her , my Laylah , my angel with so much hate in their eyes . Some boys would get jealous but I didn't really care about them . While walking to her locker a boy , Jaden , started walking towards us .

The boy that I saw the other morning talking to Laylah . "This is the 'someone' you chose over me ? That's the reason you rejected me ?" he said directly to Laylah "Yes , now leave us alone please" Laylah said and I felt so happy . She spoke up about us .

"She's a player, Laylah , you know that . She will break your heart . I wouldn't do that" he said and went to grab her other hand . That's when I snapped and grabbed his hand "First keep your hands off of my girlfriend and second , she said leave us alone" I said to him and dropped his hand to his side .

He looked at me up and down and scoffed .

The fucker is dead

"You know what ? Never mind . You were a hoe anyway" he said and turned around to leave and that's when I lost control . I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and brought him back to me "Because your ego got hurt , it does not give you the right to call any woman , especially my girlfriend a hoe . If I see you or hear you talking to her in any way you'll be 6 feet under before you even realise it" I spoked and let him go .

Like a dog with his tail between his legs , he walked away and I turned back to Laylah . I pulled her into a hug and I felt her relax . "You alright angel ?" I asked her as I rubbed her back "Thank you" she said back and I smiled softly against her hair . "Come on . We have classes to get too" She said and I gave her a nod .

Her chocolate brown eyes where glowing and I couldn't help but smile at her "What ?" she asked me looking down to herself "You're beautiful" I said to her and I watched as the colour red made its way on her cheeks

I love making her blush and I want to make her blush in many ways

Shut up Maxine

"Thank you my sweetheart" she said and I grinned . I liked that nickname she has been calling me .


Shut up

"You are really handsome too" she said and I pulled her closer to me by her waist "Oh yeah ?" I said looking down at her "You have pretty eyes and hair and ... and ... voice !" she said as she was playing with my chains "Hmmm" I said looking at her with amusement .

"What is your first period ?" I asked her softly "Art" she replied, lifting her gaze to me "I have economics" I replied to her "You wanna skip ? Pass some time together ?" I asked her and she gave me a nod . "I have never skipped a class" she said softly .

Such an innocent little angel

My innocent little angel

"Let's go then" 

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