Chap 22

304 22 0

Juila pov

I wake up to a empty side of the bed where Arturo should be .

I get up and I grab a pair of clothes that are neatly folded on the chair .

I get dressed after I finish getting dress I put in my make up and I put my hair up in a bun since I'm suppose to be with Arturo today .

I walk down the stairs and I see a Arturo waiting there .

He smashes his body to mine and then his lips crash into mine .

It took me a while to kiss him back because he got me off guard .

" Hello ! " My brother says and I jump up because he scared .

Making us brake apart from each other and I start to blush .

" Hey are you ready ? " Arturo asks my bro and he nods then the next thing I know is that they are both pushing out the door .

" Guys !!! I'm hungry !!! What about food ! "

"When aren't you hungry you fatty !! "
Roberto says and I shoot him a glare and Arturo just laughs at us .

The guys get me into the car and Arturo hopes into the other side then he takes off driving.

With us leaving the castle a few cars follow us .

" Uh should their be cars following us honey ? " I ask looking at the cars behind us .

" Yes. For your protection . " He says with a smile and he interwinds our hands together . I look at the road and he soon later drives up to some place to eat .

We both walk in and their is a table for us .

Everyone is looking at me weird I can hear them talk about me whispering as I go near .

We take our seats as if nothing or no one was looking at us .

" Hello what can I get you to drink ? " Some one says to us and I look up to see who it is .

" Sweet tea for me . " I say and Arturo orders the same thing as well .

" Oh okay ill be back . "

" Oh my Arturo !!! " Someone says but this time it gets his attention . I see its a older lady and he hops out of his seat to greet the woman .

" Grandma !?" He says while hugging I look down after a couple of seconds of watching them talk .

I look up and I see Roberts face he gives me the ' I'm sorry look .' That he would used to give me when I saw girls with their mothers ,grandmother or fathers . I look down and I get up from the table since Arturo is coming back without his grandmother and she's heading in another direction .

I make my way to the restroom and I guess my dear brother guess. I'll be heading into the restroom pretty soon since I see my head guard giving me the sorry look that Roberto gave me .

" It's safe , he's in there ." he says standing by the door and I nod my head " thank you . " I say as I enter the room and I see Roberto standing their with tissues in his hand.

" Come here , I know , I know ..." he says as he comes towards me and I'm trying not to cry .

It hurts seeing other with their moms . grandmas and dads because it makes feel like a outsider . It's even worse since Roberto and gramps told me that they've found me . Not being related to any one by blood food in some woods is like a huge part of my life is some kind of lie .

Things that I will never have or answers to will be unknown for ever .

" Ugh I'm fine . "

" Lies . " He says and I pull myself away from him and I nod my head .

"I know it's not easy . " He says as I wipe off the tears that are running down my face .

" Don't I know the speech . " I say and he pats me on the back and leaves while I take a few seconds to freshen up .

I know I should be great full for living this long and for the people who are in my life , But it's never a bad thing to want some even more to get answers . I've always wondered about my parents but I've never asked but when I did I was told once I was older I would understand and I don't .

I thought my questions would be answered instead of having more and now having nothing else to go on .

After I snap out of my thoughts and I redid my make up and stopped with the tears I went out to Arturo .

He looks worried but I see the food is on the table so I start to eat .

" Are you okay ? " He says crocking a eye brow at me and I just nod my head while chewing my food .

" Of course why would I be ? " I ask and he just stares at me then he starts to eat and I see Roberto shaking his head at me because he heard me lie . Then he mouthed the words when I looked in his direction .

" This is a good meal isn't ? " He says and I nod my head .

" Yes , it is ..." I say before I take a slip of my tea and the waiter came to our table .

"Is every thing okay ? " He ask and Arturo nods his head and answers the waiter .

We just finish our food and we are getting ready to leave .

When his grandmother comes over to us . " Hello ." She says and I say at her her eyes widen when she realizes my scent .

"Hello ." I says and she gives me a small smile .

" Arturo I'll like to have a word with you please . " She says and Arturo tells me to wait for him by the car after he pecks my cheek .

I do what he has asked along with my body guards .

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