Chap 19

313 21 1

Juila pov

The doctor left and Arturo came back in the room .

" Why didn't you tell me ? "

" The doctor wasn't sure if you were going to be a wolf or vampire besides I didn't want to get your hopes up either babe ."

" But you still could of told me ."

" Okay , I'm sorry but babe can you forgive me I don't want to fight . "

" Okay ."

" How are you feeling babe ? "

" I feel okay just come here . " I say patting to the empty space besides me .

He nods his head and I move over so he can lay next to me . He grabs me by my waist and I snuggle into his touch .

" Knock , knock ..." someone says and it's his cousin that walks in to the room .

" Don't hurt me . I come with food Arturo future in law what ever your name is . "

" You brought food ? Brandon I know you better then that why would you bring us food this isn't like you .". Arturo says glaring at him making his grip right on me .

" Well , Why not be nice to her she's gonna be in the family . just as long as she doesn't you know ......"

" Shut up Brandon she doesn't even do that ! "

" You know she is ."

" I know but she doesn't like it when I put my own blood in her food without her knowing . "

" What you still do that !!!! " I growl at him pouting and He peck me cheek .

" Sometimes . but not as much as I used to too . "

This ass hole !!!! I really thought he didn't do it anymore ....

" Sorry babe but I sorta like ya so I want you around get out Brandon !!! I want to be with my mate . "

" No , sorry I want to get to know her so ha! "

" Okay guys? Why don't we go see a movie later but right now Arturo and I have something to talk about . "

" Is he in trouble ? Can I stay and watch ??"

"Out . go watch a movie or go pick one ! ."

Brandon left leaving me and Arturo alone together .

" So what do you want to talk about ? "

" Us and this hole heat thing , what are we going to do ? "

" Well since you your body is still not ready and when that moment happens it will happen for us . "

" Okay , but we have to do something before we get to that level . "

" Do what ? "

" You'll see but for now you will just stay here and snuggle with me . "

I'm here with my awesome mate I'm happy he's not thinking between his legs right now . Like how most would do .

Hours later

We leave the medical wing and we end up here in the living room because Brandon knows about my wolf Arturo told me while I Was out.

" So what movie are we going to watch ...."

" Some chick movie that she picks . "

" Uh why don't we watch something funny . "

" Sure , if that's cool if you like to watch something like that . "

" Yea . just because I'm a girl it doesn't mean I'm a girly girl . "

" Okay .". With that he pops in the movie I push Arturo to the sofa with my blankets since I'm really cold and want to use him as pillow .

" Okay , I get the pint but what about snacks ? " Arturo says while I push him to the sofa .

" Fine . go get snacks babe okay . "

He goes and gets us snacks since I'm here with Brandon I feel weird I've never been alone with him since he tried to attack me .

"Sorry about last time . " He says and I can feel him looking at me .

" It's fine you didn't know that I was half wolf or his mate . "

" True but I shouldn't of done that to you , sorry . "

" It's okay ."

It takes a few seconds for Arturo big fat head to come he got the snacks .

I snuggle up to him as the movie started . The next thing I know is that me and Arturo look straight at each other and he smashes his lips on mine .

" Don't forget to breath you two ." Brandon says and we pull away smiling at each other .

" Dont worry about that ."

I snuggle up to his chest and I put my attention back to the tv . I started to feel my eyes starting to get heavy .

Arturo pov

I look down and I see my beautiful mate sleeping on me while the movie is this going on .

" My baby ...." I whisper to her and kiss her forehead . I see Brandon is knocked out I turn off the remote and I pick up Juila and I carry her to our room .

" Mmmm , is the movie over . "

" Shh it's okay come in he is asleep so don't worry about it babe ."

" Okay . " She says as she snuggles into my chest .

I take us to our room and I fell asleep
With my baby in our room .

The Last Of Her KindHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin