Chap 13

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Arturo pov

I've been in my office for most of the day . I dont see why she's so happy being with her family .... But at lease she's happy ...

Knock knock knock....

She opens the door without saying anything I know it's her because of her scent .

"Uh ? Arturo ...? " She says and I left up my head up so quick to look at her I see she's wearing the same out fit from this morning .

" Is their some thing wrong ?? Shouldn't you be with your family ?? "

"Mm yea , but I want to see why your letting them stay here ..."she says closing the door behind her.

" It's for your safety plus you most likely don't like most of my guards . so who else would be better if to protect you then your own blood right ? "I say and she nods her head and she's right up on my desk .

I walk around the desk to be face to face with her .

" Anything else ? " I asks and she nods her head .

" Your coming with me end of story .... " She grabs my hand and she starts to head towards the door pulling along with her.

" Why spend time with the family .... Your family ." she turns around really fast stopping me in my tracks .

" It's our family so shut up .... Your coming with me because I want tot spend time with you too so do they your mate . So come on .. "

"You know you don't want me to be their with you ." I say even though it hurts me to say that it true does ...

" Don't say that .. " She says and right before we walk out of my office I stop her to make her face me .

"You know you don't so stop pretending ....."

She just looks at me and then she just pulls herself into me . " please ." she says hugging me .

"Okay come on ...." I say and she pulls away from me I only agreed because to it because this is the only way I can get to her .

" Great come on ...." she says. And she pulls me to where her family is . This is weird for me I've never spent now wanted to spend as much time with my family .

" Hi ." I say and they bow to me before smiling at me .

"So uh ?? Baby we are going out to eat ..... okay come on .... " She says and I pull her back into my arms .

" Uh sweetie it's not that simple ...he's a king .... " Her gramps said and she makes a day face at him ...

" I know that come on follow me this way uh now ....." She says and I'm the first one she drags out side ...

" Juila it's not safe ....!" Her brother tells her but she just shrugs her shoulders.

She drags me out side with her family " why do you want us out side their are cars in the - "

I was cut off by her when she pinched me .

"Can yall just shut up and trust me on this ...?! "She says and the next thing I know is that we are under the tree by the pins that's near the castle .

Theirs a blanket in the ground along with a basket ....

" Why are we here ??? "

" I want to eat outside !! Plus look at the pretty view !!! " She growls at her brother putting her fist in her hips glaring at him ......

I see that we are in no danger since we are on my land ....

"Is this why you brought us out side .? "

" It reminds me of the one I have back at home ." she says and she sits down on the ground trying to pull me down next to her .

She gives me the puppy pout and I took my eyes at her sitting down with her . I've notice the blanket is to small for all of us since I am the last person to sit down .

"Here sit on me ." I said once I sat down next her I pulled on top of me and I can tell she was blushing .........

I had her on my lap so we get take the food out where she would be .

After we eat and I've listened to her grandfather talk about the time she was a baby the guys went inside to go work out .

I noticed she was still on me I didn't mind one bit .

She turns to face me so we can be face to face ....

"Thank you for day . " She says then she smashed her lip right to mine..... I didn't know what to do in that second but to kiss her back .

Is this what I get for her family to be here ? Damn she is a really good kisser ? I can't help my little friend what wants to have fun right now . We are just smashing into the others lips and my arms are around her body .

Roaming all over her then I hear a moan coming from her lips .....

I pull away breathless away from her and she starts to blush ...

" No problem anytime princess ...." She blushes even more it's so cute I have to stop working so much so I can spend it with her .

" So uh ? Do you want to uh walk around since we've been in there almost every day .". She says pointing to the castle .... I look at her and I nod my head at her ...

" Do you want a closer look of the pound ..." I asked looking bat since she's looking in that direction she nods her head and we both walk towards it .

" Arturo seriously thank you this is the best gift you could of given me. " she says as she interwinds our hands together.

" You love your family I just want to make you happy now . Okay ?? "

" Speaking of family have you told yours ? "

" No. , They won't like you but I'm not going to tell them I'm going to show them . Once our bond is stronger then nothing even my parents will come between us . that's the day I'm waiting for so don't worry what they say doesn't matter . I need you and you need me .....

" But what if I don't shift ?? " She asks worried as if she already bunnies the answer is going to be no .

She honestly doesn't know who she is ? But how ??? Is it even possible I've see it with my own eyes as she shifted back but then again she was close to death.

Could she be she doesn't have a point would she ever shift again ????

" Don't worry about that ...."

" Your my mate I will protect you ."

" Then who will protect you ? " She asks that's wine I lift up her chin with my finger so she will look at me .

" Don't you worry about that your my princess now your mine ."

I say then I crash my lips to hers holding her body closer to mine .

We move in a perfect sync together and we both pulled away both the kiss got even more heated ....

I just wrap my arms around her while we looked at the pound to see the ducks .

Today is a good day I hope we have good days as in today but does she really not know could the doctor be wrong about her ? No he said she more of a wolf but why hasn't she shifted since then ? Does she even know how ? Should I teach her how to fight if something ever happens ..? What will happen if she finds out ?? "

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