Chap 10

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Juila pov

It's been such a long three weeks the only people that come in is the doctor and angel .

Angel and I haven't got along the pass few days now I know the moon goddess did make a mistake ....

I don't think we are going to last long because of what and who I am !

I can't help it !! That I'm a vampire ...

Knock knock some one does to the door snapping me out of my thoughts .

My eyes widen from who it is then they go back to normal once I figured out it was angel once again .

We can never get along no matter what it just drives me crazy ... Thai is when I think the moon goddess made a mistake pick me of all people to be with him !!!

" I see your up ? "

" Yea , what are you doing here ?? "

" Bring you something thing to eat you have to eat something ...."

" No thank you ..... "

" Why ? Just eat the stupid chicken soup ....."

" I don't know if you notice but I can't eat anything or else il just throw it up ?? " I said in a Dah tone and he rolls his eyes at me .

Just shut up and eat the stupid soup since this is the only thing you do eat ..

It's true but u always throw it back up . I take the bowl of soup from his hands and I notice he is bleeding from his hand ..

" Your hand ?? "

" What ,?"

" Your bleeding .." I say and he just looks at it and he shrugs at me .

" I'll be okay it's nothing .. Why do you care if I'm bleeding ??? "

I just shoot him a glare and he hands me the soup then we walks away and out of the room ......

Why dos she do that ! Grrr he gets to me ! You visited me remember !!!! Grrrrr men I swear !!! You can't live with them but yet I can't live with that idiot !!!

Does he enjoy making me feel this way !!!?

I look down at the soup he brought up to my room and I started to eat it . It smells so good and mouth watering just a little bit different but really good ...

Maybe they made it differently mmmmm well theirs only one way to find out ....

So I just eat the whole soup it was so good u can't stop eating it !!!!!

I wonder what did they put in the soup this time .....

I just put the bowl in the night stand while I looked out the window .....

I have no idea what else to do but just lay here .

The door opened and its angel again with another bowl of soup .....

But this time the bowl is so much bigger I just look at him .

" Here .............. He says your under weight so eat up .. "

He says getting the bowl closer to me and I can't believe he is doing this why ?

He never brought me my food within the whole time I've been here .....

" Why do you care ? Isn't death something you wanted for me ??? " I asked crocking a eye brow at him ...

I look into his eyes and I can tell angel isn't in control anymore if his body his wolf is .....

He growls at me ....." DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN ! " He growls at me and I just nod my head ..

He sits in the bed I try to get the bowl away from him but he smacks my hand away ...

" No , I'll do it ..... " He says in a husky voice and he starts to feed me .....

" You don't have to you know ??? "

" I do . "

" Are you still mad at me , well us for what we've done ??? " From their I know what he was talking about because this is the main thing I get angry at him for ...

" Yes . "

" Why you don't need them ."

" I do their my family ."

" So , you have me now ....."

" Maybe I don't want this , have you ever thought about that ?? It's not like angel wants me here either .....". I say and he growls at me ....

" Why do you care for them so much ??? Their not even blood ...."

" Why do you care about me I'm not your blood ?( "

" Your mine ."

" Im not ..... "

He growls at me again giving me the death glare like i haven't gotten that enough from them .

" You are . "

" I'm their family member !!! Not your i don't belong to you ..... "

" Yes you do your my mate the moon goddess ..... " I cut him " the moon goddess made a mistake I know that and so do you ... I belong with my family .."

" Why have those people done for you ? "

" WHAT HAVE THEY DONE ??!!!!! RISKED THEIR LIFE FOR ME THATS WHAT THEYVE DONE !! Feed me took care of me gave me a name , a roof over my head loved me ! Still took me in even though the risks they could of happen to them . Protected me , were their when I need them !!! They showed me how to a normal person ...... "

I growl at him Thad why they mean so much now ......

" You really do miss them don't you ? "

My eyes started to water up and all I could was nod my head ...

" Yes . "

" Okay . Settle down lets get something in your system . " He says sweetly to me and I can do was let the tears roll down while eating the soup angel is feeding me ....

Why did he change so quickly ??

Why is he still feeding me ???

Why is he acting like he cares???? Does angel want me ??? Why is his wolf at the surface and not him ??? I like this moment seeing at lease one side trying to make something work .....

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