Chap 17

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Juila pov

I wake up to find Arturo not here where could he be . Is living with going to be like this for now on for the rest of my life ?

I get up and I out on his sweats even though he is bigger then I just roll up his pants and I put on a t shirt that's also his .

I throw my hair up in some type of sloppy bun I guess . I'm too lazy at this point I am hungry it's ten something in the morning .

I walk out of the room and down the hall I hear some in the hall but a lot of people work here so I don't care who it is .

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ?! " I hear a voice at lease 10 feet away from me says to me . I look up and I see a very buff dude looking at me I see his wolf is at the suffers . I slowly take a few steps back i put my arms up in the air .


That's when I take off running I hear taking off after me I hear some one calling my name . I remember that voice but where !!

I just run then I turn back and I see him close before I knew it I ran into a wall . " Fuck ! " I growl out from running into the wall and the next thing I know is that his hand is punching me in my check at the same time he is holding me down pining me to the wall .

" Let go of me ! " I growl and I try to hit him but my arms are too short and I feel someone pulling him off me .

" JUILA ! YOUR ALIVE ! " I hear someone say and I look closely to see who's helping me .

I feel my lip is bleeding because their where he hit me .

I see Arturo his wolf is on edge he sees me and my bleeding lip . " Juila what happen how hit you ! " He growls out and I see the man who helped his weaker then the man who hit me .

" Juila what are you doing run ! " He tells me .

" Enough get off him now ! " Arturo orders and the man does what he is told .

" Why did you go after me !? I want your head ! " The man growls out and I growl at him standing infront of the man Arturo growls at me .

" What are you doing ! juila he went after royal blood my cousin wants his head why are you standing in the way ? " He says pulling me out of the way because his cousin is pisses and I can tell he wants someone .

" For what ! This man protected me ! Arturo that's why he attacked him !!! who do you think gave me my bleeding lip !!!! Not this man ! But the one your defeating! "

" Juila please , don't I don't want you to get in trouble . "

" No Sam . We are a pack you stood up for me and I'm doing the same for you . "

" Wait you know she's a vampire !? " Arturo says and I look at him .

" Yes sir, we are from the same pack your grandfather and brother will be happy your alive . In my pack I promised I will protect her no matter what because she's one of us . "

" I see since you know Juila , you will be protecting her since you know her situation your the only one along with her brother and grandpa . "

" Yes , sir ! "

" What !!! The hell she's a vampire !!!! He tried to kill me !!!! Arturo! "

" She's my mate !! " He growls out to him .

" What how ." He says out of anger Arturo grabs me and I grab Sam .

Before I knew it I was dragged and I dragged Sam to the medical wing .

" Hello? What are you doing back come on i will fix your lip . " The doctor says dragging me over to the desk to go to a room ...

Arturo pov

I'm here with Sam and I see she dragged him here .

" Thank you for saving her life . "

" I would do anything for her even if she's being a pain in the ass we are a pack still don't worry I'll protect her sir. "

" No problem, when she's up and so since she knows you and trusts you that's all I want for her to feel safe you start tomorrow but today your off . but she's limited to things she can't leave the kingdom and don't worry her family knows about her being alive . But your only job is protecting detail on her even when her family is her . "

That's all I said to her then we went to my office where I can keep a eye on her .

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