Chap 18

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Juila pov

It's been at lease a few days since I've had Sam as the main person to protect me .

It's sort of is fun I guess it's better then the other Knights .

" Juila are you okay ! You don't look so good ."

He says snapping me out of my thoughts and I not my head then the next thing I knew I see nothing but black .

Sam pov

I'm here with Juila since I'm on protection detail . We are in the kitchen since she's hungry which is like always .

She just passed out I noticed she didn't lol good .

" ARTURO SOMETHING HAPPEN IM CARRYING HER TO THE MEDICAL WING ." I say tryin go left her up since me trying to wake her didn't work .

" What Te hell happen !!! "

" I don't know we were in the kitchen and the next thing she blocks out . "

I say as I rush up to the medical wing by time I make it I see Arturo is there and the doctors are there with the bed and room ready to go .

The doctor takes her out of my hands and I'm here with Arturo .

" Tell me what exactly happen .... "

" She was hungry so we both went down the kitchen since she didn't know I what she wanted plus she also didn't want to be in the room . I noticed she easing looking like her natural skin color she looked like she was find throw up . Then she passed out and I called you . "

" Has she eat? "

" Yes , she ate pizza , toast with strawberry jam , just strawberry jam then she found the strawberries so she ate all of those . " He says I shocked she knew what she ate .

" You knew what she ate ? "

" Yes ,I was trying to hide all the strawberries away from her because she gets hipper and then she starts bumping off the walls . To be honest I don't want to deal with a hipper Juila she's crazy when she's hipper plus she would find a soccer ball and stay out side all day long and it's cold out there . Even if I get hungry she wound come back in until I drag her in with help . "

" I know about the strawberries I wished someone told me how hipper she gets trust me I know . "

Moments later Arturo tells me I can leave i nod my head and I go to my room .

Arturo pov

Ugh it's been for ever since she has came here . I don't see why she passes out in in her room with her because now they are doing tests on her .

I see she has no bruises on her or anything like that .

I don't know why she's in her she's been eating and she hasn't been throwing it up lately which is a good sign I thought she was getting better !

" Arturo ? " I heard voice calling for me and I turn my head to see my cousin who's suppose to be staying here for a few months .

" What Brandon ? " I say because he tried to kill my mate .

" You must really like her don't you uh ? "

"Of course she's my mate ! Pass the vampire stuff she's just like a normal person she's not fully vampire . " I say looking at him to see if he's only and he is .

His eyes widen along with his mouth because it drops right open and he point to Juila .

" I can see that but you don't know .....what the hell ! "

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