09-The dark mark

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TW- panic attack

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TW- panic attack. It starts and ends with *

The gilded setting sky soon morphed into a contorted night one, being frolicked from the glittery fire-crackers and leprechauns seemingly shining into beautiful patterns in the win of the Irish. And this shine only bounced off of Nova Black's glimmered eyes as she looked upon it with a serene soul and peace of mind from the holed window in her shared tent.

The brunette's eyebrows knitted in a happy yet confused form when one of the leprechauns zoomed right in front of her eyes, with a miniatured lantern dangling off of its minute hand as it looked at her as if she were a bloomed beauty that one could never come across. The creature sniffled ever so lightly as it came forward, examining her even more with a tilted head. A fainted smile sprawled across the witch's face as she steadily yet carefully put her hand forth and towards the leprechaun but stopped altogether when the creature backed away flinching.

"It's okay" she cooed reassuringly as she yet again put her always shaky hand forward, pushing the creature forward from the back of its body. Lovingly and gently she scratched the back of its ears only for it to lean into the touch with contently closed eyes. A hearty chuckle left Nova's lip at this, and before she knew it the 4-inch creature had somehow signaled its friend because now their zoomed-in five to six more leprechauns each having a lantern stretched in their hands.

The woman continued her giggles and laughs as the magical creatures zoomed around her before finding comfort on the top of her head, frolicking and patterning themselves into a glittery gold tiara; unknown to the entrance of a certain werewolf, who stood looking at the whole ordeal from afar.

Nova twirled dramatically, still bearing the smile and it only deemed to falter when she caught the sight of Remus standing by the entrance of the tent door, his eyes containing the same dumb-founded adoration that she had seen and noticed a year prior in the beatific sunflower field.

How dare he? She pondered furiously in her head. How dare he stand there and look at her with so much love, when he had so profoundly and agonizingly hurt her bewitched heart proving to her by the cataclysmic and cowardice act of leaving a note that there in fact brood no love at all.

Heaving out a rather hysteric breath, Nova averted her body and eyes as she feigned packing her already packed duffle. "What do you want?"

There was a faint ruffle of feet from behind, and Nova figured the man had walked forward. "I uh came to check up on you."

"Me?" Nova scoffed with a sardonic chuckle, all the while thinking why the man had assumed that she weren't alright and henceforth needed checking upon. If anything, the woman was happy and pretty much joyous from the known yet thrilling win, "Why so, Lupin? Is my joy too off-putting, that you feel the need to check up on me?"

"No" Remus' voice had an edged peak of slighted panic, from the woman's retort. "T-that's not what I meant. You seemed a little off and i-in pain during the mascots' ingress"

 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✭ascendance to powerWhere stories live. Discover now