26- well, Miss. Stark where would you like to go first?

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"I don't like this guy"

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"I don't like this guy"

Amelia commented as the trio and Oliver trudged through the half-packed streets of Hogsmeade.

"And why is that?" Aaliyah countered.

"Because I haven't met him?"
Amelia stated the obvious as the brunette just rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, Xena and Oliver compared each others tongue color while devouring a blue-raspberry flavored Slurpee.

"We'll be in Three Broomsticks if you need us" Amelia cleared her throat "and there's a pepper spray just in case-," "Amelia!" Xena whined as she pulled her hand.

"Have fun!" Xena exclaimed, waving her friend goodbye and with a smug smile on her face she yelled "And use protection"

"We are not going to-," she tried to speak, but they were already out of earshot.

The witch patently paced to and fro as she waited for her date. Her head immediately turned as she felt that she spotted the similar black silhouette of her canine friend, a few steps away, but she shrugged the thought off knowing that Sirius wasn't stupid enough to walk in a packed street, no matter the animagus form.She broke away from her train of thoughts, a smile sprawling up her face when a panting Remus approached her.

"Sorry I'm late" he genuinely apologized "I got held up by...well, your dad"

"It's alright" Aaliyah shrugged it off. After regaining his composure, Remus stretched his arms
"These are for you" he offered her a bouquet.

He instantly grimaced at the flowers condition, few stems were twisted while some flowers had fallen out of the bunch

"Oh,uh it's lovely" the brunette exclaimed awkwardly.
"They're beautiful right" Remus replied sarcastically while glancing down and showing it off in all directions.                         
"They're beautiful" Aaliyah smiled,
"They, they were nice" Remus guiltily covered his face with the flowers.
"No, no they are beautiful" she re-assured not wanting him to feel bad.
"I'm sorry" he grinned shyly.
"No, no its pretty impressive, they held together pretty well" she laughed as she gently took the broken flowers in her hand.

Remus tittered as they stood in comfortable silence, "So..."Aaliyah started,
"So..." Remus put his hand in his pockets.
"Where are you taking me Lupin?" she teased, knowing that half of the school was in Hogsmeade and it'd be pretty risky to have a date here.

Aaliyah furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as the older man put his hand forward
"Do you trust me?"

Meanwhile, on the other side of the town, Sirius' animagus form tramped from shop to shop, receiving a few treats from the shop owners as he tried to locate the brunette whom he had proclaimed to be his daughter months ago. He barred his teeth when he found her talking to a male specie, and not liking  his intentions whatsoever. The dog's low growls whimpered down when he felt someone stomping his tail.

"Oh no" Xena whined sympathetically as she started to profusely apologize to the dog, Snuffles put his tongue out panting while nudging its snout to her cheek, a way of showing forgiveness.

"I know who you are" Amelia stated dramatically, having had seen her best friend hang out with it now and then. Snuffles' body straightened, panic flooded it's eyes before it dashed in the opposite direction.

"Weird dog" the blonde commented as she squinted her eyes at the dog's retreating figure, while Xena tried to call it back

"No" Aaliyah blurted out after connecting the dots. Her demeanor immediately changed as she registered the slight hurt on Remus face.
"No, I meant-, of course I trust you Uh I just-, no apparition" she stuttered out.

"No, I understand" Remus nodded, not wanting to force her in doing it. He raked his brain for a backup plan, with a triumphant smile he sighed
"Come on"

"You alright?" Remus chuckled as he bent down to help the woman up.
"God, the soot" Aaliyah commented as she tried to dust away from the dust particles off of her dress. She wasn't much of a fan of the floo network either. But seeing that she couldnt apparate, this alternative would have to suffice.

"You didn't!" she commented in disbelief as she took in the appearance of the place. The place was a replica of the bar they first met at.

"I'm glad you liked it so far"  he proudly stated
"Well,Miss. Stark where would you like to go first?"

Aaliyah smirked softly "Surprise me"

The noon sun danced along the clear sky as the couple walked hand in hand, stopping by every shop that they could find on their way. The activities seemed as if they were a montage of the very first day they had ever met.

"Star-trek or Star-wars?"

Remus question snapped the brunette out of her joyful trance of enjoying the cold delicacy in her hand. "Star Wars, obViously"  she countered
"I made dad watch the whole trilogy with me once, he wont admit it-," she took a scoop of ice-cream "but I saw him tearing up in Return of the Jedi"

Remus chuckled as he picked up his spoon to take some from the brunettes cup only for her to slap his hand away, "Hands off!"

The older man raised his hand in mock surrender. After a few steps Remus interrupted the silence "It's  so weird seeing Severus so-,"
he stopped, as he searched for the right words to verbalize his opinion.

"Human?" Aaliyah completed
"Well, you would know if your friends and you hadn't decided to torment him during your schooling" she stated with a hint of resentment.                              "He's alright I guess. Besides the fact that he took me in when no-one else did, I think he did a pretty good job in the whole  parent department" a smile tugged her lips as she continued to speak
"I remember the first muggle gift that he ever got me, 'twas a red light-saber toy."

Severus heaved a tired sigh, as he opened the door of his house and dropped the key in a nearby bowl. His black loafers tapped perfectly on the wooden floors as he neared the only commotion. A faint smile tugged his lips as he looked at his daughter getting her hair braided by Binky while she sang along a cartoon jingle on the tv.

"Ello" the child greeted as she continued to do her previous activity. Severus returned a warm smile before he stated "I got you something"

"What did you get?" she hopped off from her seat, approaching her father. Severus smiled yet again as he looked at the awe-stricken face of his daughter as her chubby fingers slowly tore open the wrapping paper. Her face slowly contorted into the one of disappointment as it didnt even gleam, instantly causing his heart to break.
"What's wrong?" he bent down to her level
"You didn't like it?"

The brunette immediately broke out a smile "I love it!" She practically lunged at him for a hug, causing him to stumble
"Thank you" she greeted before running to her room with a brand-new toy.

Panic coursed through her vein the next morning when she didn't find the toy next to her pillow. She ran downstairs, thinking of where she might've dropped it before she found a note on the table with a re-modeled version of her saber.

'I charmed it to light up:)'

As the duo continued their stroll, they stopped by to throw the empty ice-cream cups before a sheepish smile crawled up the brunette's face as she spotted a karaoke bar, she slowly turned towards Remus as if she had just gotten the best idea ever. Remus nodded instantly disagreeing
"Don't you dare"

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