21- party in the dorm

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"Chug! Chug! Chug!"

The crowd cheered as Amelia downed her 4th fire-whiskey bottle of the night, they bolstered when she let out a masculine yell.

"Ok that's enough" Aaliyah intervened as she grabbed on to her stumbling best friend, whisking the bottle away from her weak grip, ignoring the crowds booing.

"Buzzkill" she whined, "yeah!" Xena yelled. "Xe?!" the brunette asked incredulously, disbelief plastered onto her face.

"Oh, come on Liyah how bad can it-" before she could finish, the blonde retched on the common room carpet "..be"

Though the carpet was practically ruined and the cause-r nowhere to be found, the party went on all night. Fred and George disappeared for a couple of hours and returned with armfuls of bottles of butterbeer, pumpkin fizz, and several bags full of Honeydukes sweets.

"How did you do that?" squealed Angelina as George started throwing Peppermint Toads into the crowd. Xena and Amelia gave each other a knowing look, which confused Harry.

"With a little help from Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs," Aaliyah muttered in Harrys ear before she felt Fred slinging his arms around her shoulders.

"We owe them so much" Fred stated

"So much" the witch wiped a fake tear.

She soon distanced herself from the festivities as she worriedly looked outside the window, it was the full moon.

Dread filled her mind, imagining the pain that he had to go through, not only now but from 28 years or so. Her ears perked up when she heard someone crying from the other side of the room.

She followed the commotion, before she could take a step, Hermione sprinted past her and towards the girls dormitory.

Giving Xena who was following the third yearer, a concerned look, both of them walked up towards the dormitory.

Aaliyah slowly turned the door knob; the same whimpers fell to her ears. "Hermione?" she gently called, the younger Gryffindor rubbed her tears away, as she shifted in her seat on the floor, looking at her folded legs.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" she sat beside the young girl as Xena sat on an opposite bed, nearby.

"Ron" Hermione cried out "keeps impugning Crooshanks for killing Scabbers and he won't leave me alone about it"

"And?" Aaliyah asked as she stroked Hermione's  hair.


"I know that is not all Mione" she stated "..and?"

"There's just so much schoolwork" she cries out before Aaliyah pulls her in for a hug.

"It's going to be ok" she cooed,kissing the top of her head.

"Don't worry about Ronald" Xena stated "he's thick headed and a dic-"she stopped after earning a glare from the brunette "..tator"


Bathed and basking in the light of the sun, the moon was more beautiful today than even the stars around. The midnight beauty that the witch had always admired and yet reviled at it for her werewolfs condition. Her grim mood lightened a bit as she saw her favorite dog out of its hiding place and staring at the glowing celestial object, unknown to her the same thought about his best-mate running in its mind too.

She stroked Hermiones hair, who had decided to meet the sweet slumber on Aaliyah's lap, rewinding the memory of when she had given Remus the idea of accompanying him during his transformation.

"NO" Remus interjected immediately. Realizing the tone that he had just used, his eyes softened ever so slightly yet his tone remained stern.

"No darling, I might-" he sighed unable to finish his sentence avoiding to think of the idea of Aaliyah getting hurt, getting hurt because of him or that thing he turned into.

"You won't" she took a re-assuring step towards him.
"I know you won't , and besides you'll be on wolfsbane"

"I don't care Aaliyah, this isn't your burden...its mine"

"Who's calling it a burden, Remus?" she asked disbelievingly, hurt underlying her tone "I want to help because I care, not because Im obligated to do it just because I'm your girlfriend"

"Girlfriend?" Remus queried with a faint yet conceited smirk on his thin lips. The witch's throat dried up from nervousness, being it the first time that either of them had put a label on their relationship.

"Well yea" she shrugged "I understand i-if you don't want t-" she was interrupted with his lips pressed against hers.

"I'll take that as a yes" Aaliyah whispered near his lips, after breaking away from the kiss in need of oxygen. Remus let out a throaty chuckle as he looked in her eyes with utmost adoration before muttering firmly "and that doesn't mean that you'll be accompanying me tonight"

"You should go"

Aaliyah looked at her best-friend, dazing back in from her thoughts, unaware that she had been staring at the moon for the past few minutes

You should go to him Xena almost laughed at the dumb-founded look on Aaliyah's face
"What? You really think I wouldn't notice his love-stricken eyes whenever he's around you"

The brunette opened and closed her mouth like a fish, unable to talk but the pink tint on her flushed face being clearly visible under the moonlight.

"Your dad will mostly kill him when he finds out and I'm mildly sure Ames will help, but I think you both look cute"

"They can't know" she interrupted "not yet and Im sorry for not telling you about this sooner..he might get sacked and I cant lose him" Aaliyah confessed.

"I know and I understand Al" but you need to tell Amelia before she finds it out one way or the other with that bratty little brains of her Xena stated "I swear if that woman uses half of the braincells that she uses in dishing out secrets and planning pranks, she wouldn't be failing potions"

The lighter haired girl chuckled as she looked down at the sleeping child before continuing  "and he's the guy-" "with whom you spent the day with in Yorkshire, I know but I swear to Odin, Aaliyah Snape leave before I push you out"

"What about Amelia?"

"I'll find her" Xena raised her brows impatiently "and take some dittany with you, wolfsbane doesn't always help while transforming"

"How do you-"Aaliyah stopped when Xena gave an unamused look.

"Go Aaliyah"

"Go to him"

 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐑 ✭ascendance to powerWhere stories live. Discover now